O/S Interoperability Commands

mvBASIC enables the user to execute Windows programs and/or to access files using the O/S interoperability commands described in this section. While this section describes new mvBASIC keywords and functionality, the actual functioning occurs at the Windows O/S level, which imposes its own rules and constraints, such as:




Sets the timeout value (in seconds) for a remote client query.

UCLOSE Command

Closes a file variable previously opened with the UOPEN command.


Creates and opens a specified file on the host system.


Removes the directory entry named by the path name.

UERROR Function

Returns the error number that resulted from the previous Inter-Operating System command.


Allows users to execute various Windows programs from within mvBASIC.

ULOCK Command

Locks or unlocks a file specified by a file variable.

LSEEK Function

Moves the file pointer in an open file and returns the position of the file pointer.


Sends a Windows-style message to the mvBase client linked to the process executing the command.

UOPEN Command

Opens a given file name to an mvBASIC file variable

READ Command

Reads data from a previously opened file on the host system.

SYSTEM Function

Obtains information from the underlying operating system environment.


Causes the process to wait until the Windows application.

UWRITE Command

Writes data to a previously opened file on the host system.

See Also

mvBase mvBASIC User Reference Guide Overview

Syntax Notations

Introduction to mvBASIC

Creating mvBASIC Programs

Format, Data and Expressions

Overview of mvBASIC Statements and Functions

Using the mvBASIC Debugger

Statement and Function Reference

Appendix A: Error Messages

Appendix B: List Of ASCII Codes

Appendix C: mvBASIC Program Examples