The SYSTEM Dictionary

The SYSTEM Dictionary is the highest level file on the system. It is used for control of the entire system, and holds several different types of files and items:

Account Definition Items

These items define all accounts on the system and their associated passwords, security codes, and system privileges. They function as pointers to each account’s Master Dictionary. The section Creating and Deleting Accounts discusses further details regarding Account Definition items.


User-IDs are Account Synonym Definition items (Q-pointers) that point to the account a user logs on to. User-IDs can have passwords, security codes, and system privileges that are different from those of the account to which they log on. The section Creating and Deleting Accounts discusses further details regarding user-IDs.

Special Operator Accounts

Special Operator Accounts are special accounts that operators can log on to in order to perform specific backup functions or to coldstart the system. These accounts are:




The items that define these operator accounts are Account Synonym Definition items (Q-pointers) that point to the SYSPROG account. The section Backing Up Files discusses operator accounts.

Message Items

The SYSTEM Dictionary contains three items that store system messages: LOGON, MAXUSERS, and LOCKOUT. The messages contained in these items are displayed on terminals when they are not logged on to a process. LOGON contains the normal Logon Please message. MAXUSERS contains the message that is displayed by the Logon processor when the maximum number of users that are allowed to log on at any one time has been reached. LOCKOUT contains the LOCKOUT in progress message that is displayed whenever a user has reached the limit of the number of permissible invalid logon attempts.

System Level Files

The SYSTEM Dictionary also contains pointers to special system files that are essential to the operation and maintenance of mvBase. These are similar in function to the SYSPROG account files described in the previous section. Pointers to special system files include:


The ACC file, or Accounting History file, contains two types of items. The first type holds data about users who are actively logged on to the system. The second type holds data that keeps track of usage statistics for users: when they logged on, how much computer time they used, how many pages were sent to the printer, etc. These items are updated when users log off. See the mvBase System Security section in the mvBase Operation and Administration Guide for more information about the Accounting History file.


The BASICLIB file contains all common mvBASIC programs. Each Master Dictionary contains a pointer to BASICLIB.


The BLOCK-CONVERT file defines the format of the characters displayed when the BLOCK-PRINT command is used.


The ERRMSG file contains system messages. Some of these messages simply provide useful information; others provide warnings or indicate error conditions.


The PROCLIB file contains all common Procs, such as LISTU, LISTFILES, CT, etc. Each Master Dictionary contains a pointer to PROCLIB, as well as items that call, or run, the Procs stored in PROCLIB.


The RUNTIME-ERRORS file logs mvBasic Run-Time errors when set via the System Switch SET-RUNTIME-ERROR-LOGGING. See the Error Recovery and Troubleshooting section in the mvBase Operation and Administration Guide for more information about the RUNTIME-ERRORS file.


This file stores the auto-logoff and LOCKOUT information.


The security log contains items that record invalid logon attempts, system privilege violations, file access protection violations, etc. See the mvBase System Security section in the mvBase Operation and Administration Guide for more information about the security log.



The SYSTEM-ERRORS file logs all disk errors, Group Format Errors, native softrap aborts, software aborts, powerfails and coldstarts. See the Error Recovery and Troubleshooting section in the mvBase Operation and Administration Guide for more information about the SYSTEM-ERRORS file.

See Also

Using the SYSPROG Account and Commands

SYSPROG Account Overview

SYSPROG Command Overview

SYSPROG Commands Grouped by Similar Function

SYSPROG Command Reference