TERM Command

The TERM command sets terminal characteristics such as line length and the number of lines displayed on the screen, and printer characteristics such as printer page length and the way in which form feed characters are used.


TERM [width, depth, skip, lf-delay, ff-delay, backspace, ptr-width, ptr-length, type] [(R)]


Two consecutive parameters must be separated by a comma. To skip a parameter, enter a comma in its place. Commas are not needed when skipping all parameters before the type parameter. To display the current terminal and printer settings, either use the R option or type TERM with no parameters.


Number of characters per line on a terminal, and must be a number between 9 and 155. The default value is 79.


Number of lines displayed on the terminal screen. The default value is 24.


Number of lines skipped at the bottom of the terminal screen. skip is subtracted from page depth. The default value is 0.


Number of null characters output after each carriage return. These delay characters provide a pause for terminals that cannot display characters as fast as the CPU outputs them. The default value is 1. The maximum value is 127.


Number of null characters output after a form feed character for either the terminal or the printer. The default value is 5. The maximum value is 127.

If you specify 0, no form feed character is sent to either the terminal or the printer at the beginning of a page. If you specify 1, a form feed (FF) character is sent to the printer (hexadecimal ‘0C’, CHAR (12)), but not to the terminal. If you specify 2 or greater, the form feed character is sent to both the printer and the terminal.


ASCII number that corresponds to the backspace character. This parameter is for terminals that cannot physically backspace or that use a backspace character other than CTRL+H. For example, assign a value of 21 for Pick Systems’ M terminal lines, and a value of 8 for the TEC 2402. The default value is 8.


Number of characters per line for a printer. The default value is 132. The maximum value is 350.


Number of lines on a printer page. The default value is 60. The maximum value is 32,767.


Terminal type code. This parameter changes the form feed character to match the requirements of the specific terminal and sets cursor functions. For available codes, see DEFINE-CURSOR Command.

If type is the only parameter specified, you can enter its value without any preceding commas.


Displays current terminal and printer settings.

Displaying Current Terminal and Printer Settings

The following example displays the current terminal and printer settings for the port you are on:



PAGE WIDTH:   79   132

PAGE DEPTH:   24   60


LF DELAY  :   1

FF DELAY  :   5





Setting Terminal Characteristics

The following example sets the number of characters per line and the number of lines per page, and sets a terminal type code of D:

>TERM 40,22D

Setting Printer Characteristics

The following example sets the number of delay characters after the beginning of each page, and the number of lines per printer page:

>TERM ,,,,1,,,55

You do not need to include commas after the last parameter you specify.