SP-KILL Command

Use SP-KILL to stop a current print job from printing, to remove a printer from the system, or to make print files into hold files.


SP-KILL [options]



Can be any of the following:


Cancels only those print files that were created on the account you are logged on to.


Cancels all print files on the Spooler. You must have SYS2 privileges to cancel print files created on other accounts.


Removes printer n from the system.

Fn [-m]

Removes the specified print files from the queue and makes them into hold files. Files that are currently being printed are not removed from the queue.


Suppresses the ABORT! message on cancelled print jobs currently being printed.


Specifies a printer number.


Specifies a range of printers.


Removes the file that is currently being printed from the queue and makes it a hold file.


Options need not be enclosed in parentheses and can be entered in any order. They need not be separated by spaces or commas.

Cancelling Print Files Currently Being Printed

Use SP-KILL with a printer number to cancel a print job that is currently being printed:

SP-KILL n [-m] [A] [B] [N] [O]

You must specify at least one printer number. When you use SP-KILL to cancel a currently printing job, the Spooler immediately stops sending data to the printer. However, the printer continues printing whatever still remains in the printing buffer before it stops. If the N option is not used, the ABORT! message is printed on the next line after the point where the report was cancelled.

If the A option is used, all print files that were created on the account you are logged in to and that are currently being printed are cancelled.

If the B option is used, all print files currently being printed are cancelled.

If the O option is used, the report currently being printed is cancelled and the print file is made into a hold file.


The following example cancels the print job going to printer 3. The message ABORT! will be printed on the page at the point where the cancellation takes effect:


The next example cancels the print job going to printer 3. But the N option suppresses the ABORT! message:


The next example cancels print jobs going to printers 3 through 5:

>SP-KILL 3-5

Making Print Files into Hold Files

Use SP-KILL with the F option to remove print files from the queue and turn them into hold files:

SP-KILL Fn [-m] [A] [B] [O]

You must specify at least one print file number with the F option. Use the LISTPEQS command to list the print file numbers. When a print file is removed from the queue, it becomes a hold file, which is then available for further processing by the SP-EDIT command.

The F option will not remove a print file from the queue and make it a hold file if the file is currently being printed.

If the A option is used, all print files that were created on the account you are logged in to are removed from the queue.

If the B option is used, all print files are removed from the queue.


The following example removes print file 5 from the queue and makes it a hold file:


The next example removes print file 5, which is currently being printed, and makes it a hold file:


The next example removes any print files from 5 through 9 that were generated from the account you are currently logged on to and makes them hold files:


Removing Printers from the System

Use SP-KILL with the D option to remove printers from the system:


You must specify at least one printer number with the D option.


It is not recommended that you remove a printer from the system while it is running. If you want to remove an active printer, first stop the printer with the STOPPTR command, then, using SP-KILL n, cancel the current print job (if there is one), then remove the printer.

When you remove a printer, the line (process) it is attached to becomes a normal communications line.

If the B option is used with the D option, all printers are removed from the system.


The following example removes printer 1 from the system:



The next example removes printers 3 through 5:


The next example removes all printers from the system: