SET-TAPE Command

The SET-TAPE command assigns a logical tape unit to a physical tape device or floppy disk drive.


SET-TAPE tapeunit [, [type] [device]] [(U)]



Number of the logical tape unit. It can be any number from 0 through 11.


Type of tape drive: F for floppy disk drive, Q for 1/4-inch tape drive.


Number of the tape device or floppy disk drive. If no device is specified, 0 is assumed.


Overrides the current tape or floppy disk assignment.


When the system is coldstarted, Logical Tape Units 0 and 1 are automatically set to the primary and secondary tape drives or floppy disk drives, respectively. (See Backing Up Files which discusses peripheral tape devices and backup media for more information about default tape drives or floppy disk drives.)

The SET-TAPE command without options reassigns all Logical Tape Units defined in the Configuration Control Block (CCB) to their default settings.

To change the default settings, specify either the type of tape drive (F or Q), the tape device or floppy disk drive number, or both. Separate type and device from tapeunit by a comma.

A tape device or floppy disk drive can be assigned to only one logical tape unit at any one time.

Tape device or floppy disk drive assignments for your particular installation can be incorporated into the coldstart process by including a SET-TAPE statement in the USER-COLD-START Proc.

Assigning a Tape Device

This example assigns the 1/4-inch drive to Logical Tape Unit 8:


The next example assigns the second floppy disk drive to Logical Tape Unit 0: