SAVE Command

The SAVE command copies to backup medium all or part of the data area of the disk.


SAVE dict-name data-name  [data-name...] [(options)]

SAVE SYSTEM [SYSTEM|account-name...] [(options )]



Specifies the name of the dictionary containing the files to be saved.


Specifies the name of the data file, defined within the dictionary file, to be saved. Multiple data files may be specified.


Specifies the name of the account, defined within the SYSTEM dictionary, to be saved. Multiple account-names may be specified.


The following options are supported:


Produces a backward compatible backup medium.


Lists file names as well as account names.


Prevents the save process from stopping at GFEs.


Saves file names within a specified list.


Saves DY type files.


Performs the filesave without using the frames from the available space table.


Sends to the printer the list of all accounts being saved.


Renames files saved to backup medium.


Stores file statistics in the STAT-FILE for each file saved.


Writes output to backup medium.


Saves only groups that have been updated since the last filesave.


Causes updated item and deleted item flags not to be cleared.


Validates the database by checking for Group Format Errors.


The SAVE command is invoked by all of the Procs used to make backup media. SAVE can also be used to generate statistics for files, to check all files for Group Format Errors (GFEs), and to log GFEs.

SAVE is used, with different combinations of options, in these Procs: FILE-SAVE, INCR-SAVE, and ACCOUNT-SAVE. SAVE makes formatted copies of all files, which are stored one after another on the backup medium. This allows you to restore any account, file, or item selectively.

The SAVE command saves only those accounts and files whose SYSTEM or Master Dictionary definition items have a D, DC, DCU, DCY, DCYU, DU, DY, or DYU in Attribute 1. If an account or a file has a DCY, DCYU, DY, or a DYU in Attribute 1, the file itself is saved, but its data is not.

Additional Information on SAVE Options




Used when a backward compatible backup medium is to be produced (and later restored on an earlier system). The following data types are not backward compatible:

Large items

Greater than 32,267 are not written to backup medium. Large items may be divided up into smaller items, written to backup medium, and then restored on an earlier system.

DC Type File Dictionary Items

Are either list items or binary items, as determined by the save processor. Binary items are saved as CC pointers. All other items are saved as CL items.

Linked Binary items

Are not written to backup medium. The items can be transferred separately by using the :PDUMP and :PLOAD

The C option may not be used with the U option, or for dictionary or data level saves.


Lists file names as well as account names. With the P option, the list is sent to the printer; otherwise, it displays on your screen. Use the F option without the T option when you want to check all files for GFEs but do not want to save the files to backup medium.


Prevents the SAVE process from stopping at all GFEs. When a GFE is detected, the error is logged, the remaining portion of the group is skipped, and the SAVE process continues.


Prompts the user for the name of a saved list containing the file names to be saved. The list is used in place of the files found within the specified dictionary. The list may be stored in the POINTER-FILE, or if (file-name list-name is specified, any file may contain the list. For example:


File-Save Tape Label = ABC CO

List Name = MYLIST

The above example saves the SYSTEM dictionary and all of its items; however, only the accounts specified in the saved list MYLIST are saved.


Performs the filesave without using frames from the available space table. Use the N option when you need to carry out a filesave on a system that has only a small amount of disk space available. One frame of available space is needed for every 125 files after the 1500th.


Sends the list of all accounts being saved to the printer. If you do not use the P option, the list displays on your screen. Use the P option with the F option to send file names as well as account names to the printer.


Allows saved files to be renamed on backup media. If the R option is specified, the prompt TO: displays. In response to the prompt, enter a corresponding list of file names to replace the file names entered at TCL. The R option may be used to rename accounts, dictionaries, or data level files. In this example, ACCOUNT4 is renamed ACCOUNT3:




Stores file statistics in the STAT-FILE for each file saved. You must use the S option if you want the File Statistics Report to be printed after the filesave.


Sends output to backup medium. If you do not use the T option, nothing is written to backup medium. Omit the T option when all you want to do is generate statistics.


Used for incremental filesaves, which save only groups that have been updated since the last filesave. This option is used in the INCR-SAVE Proc. It does not clear group update flags. The U option may not be used in conjunction with the C or X options.


When performing a full filesave, saves updated item and deleted item flags. Since the X option does not clear the flags, the backup media produced may not be used when creating an incremental filesave backup medium.


Causes each group of the database to be verified by the Group Format Error Handler. If a format error is detected, the Group Format Error Handler examines the group containing the GFE (see GFEs in the mvBase Operation and Administration Guide). The Y option is useful in assuring database integrity.

Using SAVE

This example performs a full filesave of the entire system, lists all files saved, validates database integrity, saves updated and deleted item flags, builds the STAT-FILE, logs GFEs and continues processing:


The next example performs an incremental account-save, lists all files saved, builds the STAT-FILE, logs GFEs and continues processing:


This example saves the SYSPROG, GAMES, and DEMO accounts. Please note, the SYSTEM dictionary and its items are not saved.


In the next example, the CUSTOMERS file dictionary and data files are saved. The backup medium produced in this example may be used for archival purposes or to move the file to another system.


In the final example, the INACTIVE data file (in the CUSTOMERS file) is saved.