The RESET-ITEM-LOCKS statement clears all item locks in the item locks table. Use this command only if the item locks table becomes corrupted. Users must have SYS2 privileges to use RESET-ITEM-LOCKS.


RESET-ITEM-LOCKS [filename] [(base-frame-ID  | I)]



Clears item locks only for the file specified.


Clears item locks only for a file identified by its base frame ID.


Initializes the lock tables without releasing frames to the available space table, and resets the table lock. Use the I option only when the integrity of the virtual file and the table links are in question.

With no options specified, all item locks for all files are cleared.


Item locks are set primarily by the READU, READVU, and MATREADU statements in mvBASIC programs. They prevent two or more users from updating an item simultaneously.


Use RESET-ITEM-LOCKS with caution: it overrides the protection provided by the operating system to prevent data corruption and Group Format Errors (GFEs).

Use the LIST-ITEM-LOCKS command to list the contents of the item locks table. For more information about item locks, see the mvBASIC User Reference Guide.