.O Command

Turns the TCL Stacker on and off. The .O command acts as a toggle to enable and disable the TCL Stacker. (By default, the TCL Stacker is enabled.) You might want to disable the TCL Stacker in order to preserve the current stack while you perform some other operation. You must have SYS2 privileges.


.O [(process)]



Number of a process other than your own. Allows you to enable/disable the TCL Stacker for the specified process.

You must have SYS2 privileges to use this option. When the TCL Stacker is disabled, statements entered at the TCL prompt are not stored in the stack, and the stack remains unchanged from its state at the time the .O command was entered. To re-enable the TCL Stacker, enter the .O command again.


If the .O command produces an error message, the system administrator needs to turn the TCL Stacker on from the SYSPROG account with the STACK-ON command.

Disabling the TCL Stacker

This example disables the TCL Stacker, leaving the stack in its present state:



The system displays the OFF message, confirming that the TCL Stacker is now disabled. To turn it back on, type .O again.

See Also

TCL Stacker Command Reference