The TCL command, DISCONNECT, forces a disconnect of an mvBase client connection. The source code for this modified program is available in the BASICLIB file. Execute the command from TCL in the SYSPROG account.


DISCONNECT ({Workstation_Name} Client_ID) | Line#



Name of the system with the mvBase Workstation where the Client ID is configured, from which the Line Number is retrieved for the disconnect request (for example, HQWORKST3). If this parameter is omitted, then the local mvBase Workstation (located on the same system as the mvBase Server issuing the request) is implied.


Name of the COM port or Printer client on the targeted workstation to retrieve the Line Number for the requested disconnection. For example, COM1, DIGI10, Branch2_Term3, LaserPrinter, Sales Printer, and so on. This is the same name used in the mvBase Administration Utility when defining COM port and Windows Printer clients. Telnet server clients cannot be specified.


Number used to request the disconnect.


This forces a disconnect of the linenum. It does not log off the line unless you have specified AUTO-LOGOFF (D for that line.

  1. If a Line Number is specified and it is invalid for this mvBase Server then no action is taken and the following error message displays:

  2. {BX1} Line Number must be between 0 and <max Line Number for the system>

  3. If a nonexistent or unreachable mvBase Workstation is specified, then no action is taken and the following error displays:

  4. {BX8} Workstation <Workstation_Name> cannot be found

  5. If the specified Client ID is not defined on that mvBase Workstation, then no action is taken and the following error displays:

  6. {BX9} client <client> does not exist

  7. If the client or Line Number specified is disconnected successfully, the following message displays:

  8. {BX10} Line <Line#> disconnected

  9. If the client or Line Number specified is already disconnected, the following error displays:

  10. {BX11} Line <Line#> already disconnected

  11. If the client or Line Number specified does not disconnect after a 10 second period, the following error message displays:

  12. {BX12} Line <Line#> did not disconnect

  13. If the Client ID is configured to connect an mvServer system other than the mvServer system requesting the disconnect, the following error message displays:

  14. {BX13} Cannot DISCONNECT: client <Client_ID> is configured to connect to server <mvServer system>

    Both CONNECT and DISCONNECT are programs located in the BASICLIB file and are front end parsing programs for subroutines CONNECT.CLIENT() and DISCONNECT.CLIENT() respectively (also located in BASICLIB). Either subroutine may be called (using the CALL command) by user programs to perform the requested action. See the subroutine header comments for an explanation of their interfaces.