The CONNECT command is actually a BASICLIB program.


CONNECT {Workstation_Name} Client_ID {Line#}



Name of the system on which the mvBase Workstation is running, to which the request to connect a client is to be sent. (For example, HQWORKST3). If this parameter is omitted, then the local mvBase Workstation (running on the same system as the mvBase Server issuing the request) is implied.


Name of the COM port or Printer client on the targeted workstation to initiate the connection. (for example, COM1, DIGI10, Branch2_Term3, LaserPrinter, Sales Printer, etc). This is the same name used in the mvBase Administration Utility when defining COM port and Windows Printer clients. Telnet server clients cannot be specified.


Optional Line Number, which changes the configured Line Number for the client on the targeted workstation before connecting.


  1. The target client always attempts to connect to the server that is specified in its definition (which is setup or modified in the mvBase Administration Utility—mvAdmin). The defined server may not necessarily be the same as the server which the CONNECT request was issued from. (See note 7 below)

  2. If a Line Number is specified and it is invalid for this mvBase Server, then no action is taken and the following error message displays:

  3. {BX1} Line Number must be between 0 and <max Line Number for the system>

  4. If a nonnumeric Line Number is specified, then no action is taken and the following error message displays:

  5. {BX2} Line Number must be numeric

  6. If a nonexistent or unreachable mvBase Workstation is specified, then no action is taken and the following error displays:

  7. {BX8} Workstation <Workstation_Name> cannot be found

  8. If the mvBase Workstation is reachable, but not currently running, then no client can be started and connected. The CONNECT command checks each second, for up to 10 seconds, for a connection to be made by the specified Client ID to the specified or defined Line Number. After checking the connection status for 10 seconds, the following error displays:

  9. {BX3} Currently unable to connect client <Client_ID> to Line Number <Line#>

    The next time that the mvBase Workstation is started (if the client is defined to Start on Workstation Startup), it connects using the originally defined Line Number and not the override value (if any). If the client is configured as Connect on Demand (when Connect on Workstation Startup is not specified), it does not connect immediately. When it does eventually connect upon demand, it connects using the defined Line Number and not the override value (if any).

  10. If the specified Client ID is not defined on that mvBase Workstation, then no client is created, no action is taken and the following error displays:

  11. {BX9} client <client> does not exist

  12. If the mvBase Workstation is valid and reachable, and the client ID is valid, but it is currently configured to connect to a server other than the one issuing the request, then no connection attempt is made and the following error message displays:

  13. {BX7} Cannot CONNECT: client <Client_ID> is configured to connect to server 'xxxxxx'

  14. If the mvBase Workstation is valid and reachable, the Client ID is valid, and a target Line Number has been specified, or the Line Number has not been specified and the Line Number defined in the client is not *, but the that line on this server is already connected to the client, then the following error message displays:

  15. {BX4} REQUESTED client, <Client_ID>, is ALREADY connected to the specified Line Number <Line#>

  16. If the mvBase Workstation is valid and reachable, the Client ID is valid, and a target Line Number has been specified, or the Line Number has not been specified and the Line Number defined in the client is not *, but the specified line on this server is already connected to a different client, then the following error message displays:

  17. {BX5} ANOTHER client, <Client_ID>, is ALREADY connected to the specified Line Number <Line#>

  18. If the mvBase Workstation is valid and reachable, the Client ID is valid, and a target Line Number has been specified or the Line Number has not been specified and the Line Number defined in the client is not *, but that line on this server is not already connected to the client, then it is assumed that a connection attempt is made by the mvBase Workstation.

  19. The CONNECT command checks each second, for up to 10 seconds, for a connection to be made by the specified Client ID to the specified or defined Line Number. If no such connection is made within that time, then the following error message displays:

    {BX3} Currently unable to connect client <Client_ID> to Line Number <Line#>


    The connection can still be successfully made, it just did not occur within the time period allotted. If a user were to reissue the same CONNECT command again immediately, they may get another BX3 error, a BX4, or a BX0.

    If a successful connection is made within that time, then the following message displays:

    {BX0} client <Client_ID> successfully connected to Line Number <Line#>

  20. If no Line Number is specified and the Line Number defined in the client is *, it is not possible to monitor the results of the CONNECT request and so error messages BX1-BX5,BX7-BX9 and message BX0 cannot occur and the message, BX6, below displays:

  21. {BX6} Unable to determine the outcome of the connection attempt.


    The connection may be successful, but it cannot be checked at this point in time.