Using INFO/ACCESS Correlatives and Conversions

Correlatives and conversions are among the most powerful features of INFO/ACCESS. Correlatives and conversions are processing codes which perform special functions on data that is either stored in a file or output in a report. Though complex, correlatives and conversions greatly increase data processing and manipulation flexibility.

This section describes correlative and conversion codes in these topics:

Introduction to Correlatives and Conversions

Summarizes the functions of correlative and conversion codes.

Performing Arithmetic Operations

Describes the A and F codes, which perform arithmetic and other processing on data contained in or derived from attributes.

Deriving Data from Attributes

Demonstrates the use of correlative codes that manipulate data in one or more attributes.


Describes the TFILE code, which is used to retrieve data from another file.

Formatting Data

Demonstrates the use of several codes that specify different formats for data before it is output in INFO/ACCESS reports.

Advanced Topics

Explains how and when to place codes in the conversion position (Attribute 7) and in the correlative position (Attribute 8); how to use multiple correlative codes in a single Attribute Definition item; and how to combine correlative and conversions codes.

Correlatives and Conversions Reference

Lists in alphabetical order the attributes, variables (if applicable) and functions of specific correlative and conversion codes.

See Also

mvBase INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide Overview

Syntax Notations

An Overview of INFO/ACCESS

Using INFO/ACCESS Syntax

Producing Reports with LIST and SORT

Formatting INFO/ACCESS Reports

Using INFO/ACCESS Commands for Special Processing

Using Select-lists

Generating Forms with INFO/ACCESS

Using INFO/ACCESS Connectives, Modifiers and Options