Creating Select-lists

A number of INFO/ACCESS commands may be used to create select-lists. The two principal commands are SELECT and SSELECT. SELECT creates a select-list of the items that match the specified criteria; the item-IDs in the select-list are arranged in the order in which the items are currently stored in the file. SSELECT works the same way except that it sorts the item-IDs by the specified attribute. SELECT is thus analogous to LIST, and SSELECT to SORT.

The table below summarizes the INFO/ACCESS commands that create select-lists.




Selects items that meet the specified criteria.


Selects and sorts items that meet the specified criteria.


Selects a specified number of items that meet the specified criteria.


Selects and sorts a specified number of items that meet the specified criteria.


Selects items that contain the specified string.


Creates a select-list from data in the specified items rather than from their item-IDs.


A synonym for QSELECT.


Selects items that are in an active select-list but are not in the specified file.

Selection criteria may be included with all of these commands except for FIND, QSELECT, and NSELECT.


The SELECT command uses standard INFO/ACCESS query syntax.


SELECT [DICT] filename [item-list] [selection] [output]


SSELECT uses the same syntax as SELECT and additionally allows the user to define one or more sort expressions. Without any sort expressions, SSELECT sorts the item-IDs in ascending order.

The following topics are presented in this section.

Creating a Select-list (SELECT)

Selecting Items that Contain a String (FIND)

Listing Items Not Included in a Select-list (NSELECT)

Creating a Select-list from Data (QSELECT)

Selecting a Specified Number of Items (SAMPLE)

See Also

Using Select-lists

Processors That Use Select-lists

Saving a Select-list

Working with Saved Select-lists