
Running the Program

The RUN command executes a compiled mvBASIC program.


RUN filename progname [(options)]



Name of the mvBASIC program file


Item-ID of the program that you wish to run. (Multiple programs cannot be listed on the syntax line for RUN.)


The following options are supported:


Prevents a fatal error from invoking the Debugger by forcing an abort of the program instead. However, the BREAK key can still be used if the A option is specified.


The mvBASIC interactive Debugger is entered during execution by pressing the BREAK key. Alternatively, the program can be run with the D option, which forces the program to enter the Debugger before executing line 1.


The Debugger is entered when a fatal run-time error is encountered. If RUN is used with the E option, non-fatal errors will invoke the Debugger as well. See Appendix A: Error Messages for a list of error messages generated by the RUN command.


Inhibits the initialization of the data area when a new program is called with the CHAIN statement. When the EXECUTE statement was incorporated into mvBASIC, however, the CHAIN statement became largely obsolete. The I option is included for compatibility with older code, but its use is not recommended and will create problems if the workspace area is at all corrupted.


If a HEADING statement has been specified in a program, the program waits for a carriage return by the user after each page of output to the terminal. The N option suppresses this feature. This is equivalent to specifying the N option to the HEADING statement within the program source.


Sends output generated by PRINT, HEADING, and FOOTING statements to the printer instead of the screen, and is equivalent to placing a PRINTER ON statement in the beginning of the program.


Eliminates checking the Master Dictionary for a cataloged subroutine, and assumes the object code of the subroutine resides in the same file as the object code of the main program.


The S option suppresses error messages generated by the RUN command.

For example, to execute the compiled program MENU in file BP, type:


See Also

Creating mvBASIC Programs

Creating the Program File

Editing and Listing the Source Code

Compiling the Program

Cataloging the Program

A Sample Program