EXP Function

The EXP function returns the value of the base number e raised to the power of the given expression. It is the inverse of the LN function.





An expression evaluating to a numeric value.


The EXP function returns the value of e raised to the power designated by the expression. e is an irrational number, with an approximate value of 2.7183.

The EXP function is essentially equal to PWR(2.7183,expr), but it produces results of greater accuracy.

If the expression is too large or small, zero is returned. The natural log of the largest allowable number in mvBASIC is the largest number that produces a nonzero result for
EXP( ): approximately 22.945, or LN(9,223, 372,036.854775807).


To assign the variable ESQ to e10, the code would read:

ESQ = EXP(10)

See Also

Statement and Function Reference