The SEL-RESTORE command restores from backup medium one or more items in a file.


SEL-RESTORE [DICT] filename item-list [(options )]



Specifies the file dictionary.


Name of the file to which you want the items restored.


List of items you want to restore. Use an asterisk (*) to restore all items in the file.


Include one or more single-character codes that specify the report format and direct or modify output. They must be enclosed in parentheses, can be entered in any order, and need not be separated by spaces or any delimiters such as commas. For complete information about using these parenthetical options, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.


The SEL-RESTORE can be used only with a FILE-SAVE or an ACCOUNT-SAVE backup medium; it cannot be used with an incremental filesave backup medium. You can also use SEL-RESTORE to verify the contents of a filesave backup medium.



  1. Type the names of accounts and files exactly as they appear on the backup medium; do not enter a synonym.

  2. After you type the account and file name, or file number, the backup medium is searched for the data requested.

  3. When the data is found, the specified items are restored to disk and the group update flags of all restored groups are set. This preserves the cumulative incremental cycle.

Using a Save Tape

To use a save tape:

  1. Unless the A option is specified, the tape must be positioned at the beginning of the filesave tape before executing the SEL-RESTORE command.

  2. Upon executing the SEL-RESTORE command, one or more of these prompts display:

  3. Account name on tape: account-name

    Dictionary name on tape: dict-name

    File name on tape: file-name

    If the A option is specified, the SEL-RESTORE command will assume the tape is at a location other than BOT or EOF, and this prompt displays:

    > Level: 0-System 1-Account 2-Dictionary 3-Data File:

    The Levels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are as follows:


    The filesave tape is positioned within the SYSTEM file, and the user will be prompted for an account-name.


    The filesave tape is positioned within the specified account, and the user will be prompted for a dictionary name.


    The filesave tape is positioned within the specified dictionary, and the user will be prompted for a file name.


    The filesave tape is positioned at the specified file name.

    The A option is useful when restoring from volumes other than the first volume in a multi-volume set, or when performing multiple SEL-RESTORES from a single account.

  4. When the restore operation is complete, the tape is positioned at the End-Of-File (EOF) mark.

  5. You can also retrieve and list data from tape by using the TAPE modifier with INFO/ACCESS commands such as LIST and LIST-ITEM. For more information about the TAPE modifier, see the section, Connectives, Modifiers, and Options in the INFO/ACCESS User Reference Guide.


    Users will not be able to restore dictionaries, data files, or accounts that they are not authorized to access.

Restoring Selected Items by File Name

If you don’t specify any options when you enter the SEL-RESTORE command, you are prompted to enter the account name and the file name as they appear on the backup medium:




If you press ENTER at the file name prompt, the Master Dictionary of the account is restored.

Restoring Selected Items by File Number

If you use the N option, the system prompts for file number instead of file name.

A list of the latest file numbers can be found in the File Statistics Report. For example:



As the backup medium is searched, each file name displays as it is found, along with the file numbers. File names followed by an (S) are synonyms. The list of names is indented as follows:




         FILENAME 58

         FILENAME (S) 59


         FILENAME 61

Verifying Files on Backup Media

You can use the SEL-RESTORE command to verify all the files contained on a formatted filesave backup medium.

  1. Type SEL-RESTORE followed by the name of any file in the account you are logged on to, and the name of the nonexistent file item.

  2. When you are prompted to enter the names of the account and the file on the backup medium, type nonexistent names.

  3. As the backup medium is searched for the non-existent file, all file names found display with their file numbers, as described above. The format of the backup medium data is checked; if any errors are found, a message displays on the screen.

    For example, in the SYSPROG account you might type the following:

    >SEL-RESTORE NEWAC non-existent-item

Restoring Q-Pointers from the SYSTEM File

When using the SEL-RESTORE command to restore Q-pointers from the SYSTEM file, you are prompted to enter an account name.

Restoring Dictionary Items from the ACC File

When using the SEL-RESTORE command to restore dictionary items from the ACC file, you are prompted to enter an account name and a dictionary name.