The SYSPROG RECALCULATE-FILE-SIZES command recalculates and updates the modulo of files based upon FILE-SAVE statistics.





Supported options are:

? or H

Displays all of the command line options with a description of each option.


Allows the modulo of a file to be reduced if attribute 11 of the file definition item is empty.


Allows the modulo of a file to be resized if the change in size is less than 20% or three frames. Normally, the file size would not be adjusted with such a small change is size.


Updates the file definition item with the new modulo. This option must be used before a FILE-SAVE in order to apply the new modulo size during a FILELOAD. The X option disables the U option.


Does not use the file definition items, but only works from the values in the STAT-FILE.


Displays the filename only if a new modulo is determined.


Print the output from the T option to the currently selected printer.


Displays details for all files. This is useful for a detailed analysis.


Clears the file definition items of any modulo resizing values.


Using RECALCULATE-FILE-SIZES determines the best modulo for files. If a select list is used just before running the command, only those files in the select list are utilized. If no select list is used, all files are utilized.

A FILE-SAVE should be performed before running this command in order to build the statistics file. If the STAT-FILE is empty, a dummy FILE-SAVE (a FILE-SAVE without the write to media option) can be performed to generate file statistics.

After the RECALCULATE-FILE-SIZES command runs, a FILE-SAVE should be performed to save the system with the new modulos on tape. After this a FILELOAD should be performed to rebuild the file system with the new modulos.

For transient data files that may be empty but need to be large, such as a batch file, and the R option is used, the file definition items should either be changed to DX files, in which the data is not saved, or should have a modulo in attribute 11.