Options must be enclosed in parentheses, can be entered in any order, and need not be separated by spaces or delimiters. The list which follows summarizes the function of each option:
A |
Assumes the filesave backup medium to be positioned at a location, other than BOT or EOF, within a specified file (SEL-RESTORE, T-LOAD). |
C |
Suppress default column and page headings, and End-Of-List (EOL) message. |
C |
Produces a backward compatible backup medium (T-DUMP). |
D |
Suppress detail lines. |
D |
Delete original select-list (COPY-LIST). |
E |
Terminate selection process with CTRL+X or ESC. |
F |
Generate form feed. |
H |
Suppress page heading and end-of-list message. |
I |
Suppress item-IDs. |
I |
List item-IDs (FIND). |
L,n |
Limit number of items selected. |
N |
Suppress pagination for terminal output. |
N |
Searches for the specified file number rather than the file name (SEL-RESTORE, T-LOAD). |
O |
Overwrite item (SEL-RESTORE, T-LOAD). |
P |
Direct output to printer. |
Q |
Suppress need for quotation marks. |
R |
Summarizes item distribution of large items not stored within the group (ISTAT). |
R [,n] |
Keep running count of items selected. |
S |
Suppresses the list of file names displayed during the search for the file to be restored (SEL-RESTORE, T-LOAD). |
T |
Direct output to terminal (default). |
X |
Print data in hexadecimal format (COPY-LIST). |
Y |
Print translation of A-correlative DICT entries. |
The remainder of this section provides a detailed summary of INFO/ACCESS command action modifiers and equivalent options and synonyms.
See Also