TCL Command Categories

This topic provides a categorized listing of many of the TCL commands. The following command categories are presented:

TCL Administrative Commands

Lists and describes the TCL administrative commands.

TCL Macros

Lists and describes the TCL macros.

TCL Spooler Commands

Lists and describes the TCL spooler related commands.

TCL Tape Device Commands

Lists and describes the TCL tape device related commands.

TCL UNIX Commands

Lists and describes the TCL UNIX commands.

TCL Windows Specific Commands

Lists and describes the TCL Windows specific commands.

TCL Administrative Commands

The following Administrative commands are presented:

admin Utility

Contains systems administration functions and must be invoked from the dm account.

admin.files Utility

Used for data backup and restore.

admin.maint Utility

Used for creating and maintaining users and accounts.

admin.status Utility

Provides information on the users that are logged on to the system as well as reporting the status of the system lock table.

admin.tape Utility

Contains options to list the devices as well as commands to set up tape devices for usage.

admin.tape.setup Utility

Assigns the various tape devices for use.

:reset-async Command

Resets the current port or all ports to default values.

:scroll Command

Displays the output of a TCL command in a scrollable (text) window.

TCL Macros

The following TCL macros are presented:

account-coldstart Macro

Performs any account specific coldstart processes and allows users to define their own custom sequence of activities to perform each time the system is powered on or rebooted.

break-key-off Macro

Disables the BREAK key on the current port.

break-key-on Macro

Enables the BREAK key on the current port.

cal Macro

Executes the UNIX cal command.

check-account Macro

Performs a dummy save of an account by issuing the save command with the f, d, and i options.

check-files Macro

Performs a dummy save of the entire system.

clear-basic-locks Macro

Displays and clears all 64 BASIC execution locks.

dm Macro

Issues an exec abs command each time a user logs on to the dm account.

exec-stacking-off Macro

Disables nested executes to be performed in an atomic manner.

exec-stacking-on Macro

Enables nested executes to be performed in an atomic manner.

ldf Macro

Lists the summary description (attribute 17) of each attribute-defining item in the specified file.

lerrs Macro

Performs a series of reports from the dm,errors, file.

lfd Macro

Produces a sorted listing of all file-defining items in the specified file, along with the description attribute from each file pointer.

lfs Macro

Contains the AQL sentence which uses the dm,file-of-files file.

lfsb Macro

Same as the lfsi macro except that the i-fms column becomes index-fms.

lfsi Macro

Same as the lfs macro except that the bytes column becomes i-bytes and the frames column becomes i-fms.

list-abs Macro

Produces a report of each D3 mode in the dm,abs, file, showing any modes it calls and those modes which are called.

list-commands Macro

Produces a report showing every executable command in the specified master dictionary (md); this includes: Procs, macros, menus, cataloged FlashBASIC programs (BASIC commands) and D3 commands.

list-errors Macro

Produces a sorted report of the error messages logged into the dm,errors, file, beginning with the most recently logged message.

list-jobs Macro

Produces a report indicating the status of all phantom controlled processes currently in the dm,jobs, file.

list-lists Macro

Produces a sorted report of all previously saved lists in the pointer-file file.

list-macros Macro

Produces a sorted report of all items defined as macros in the specified account name or your local MD (if md is specified).

list-menus Macro

Produces a sorted listing of all items defined as menus in the specified master dictionary.

list-pibs Macro

Produces a report of each active port in the dm,pibs, file, showing the port number, the current user of that port and the current terminal/printer characteristics as defined by the term-type command.

list-resizing Macro

Lists the status of files currently being resized from the dm,resizing file.

list-runtime-errors Macro

Produces a sorted report of error conditions logged into the dm,runtime-errors, file.

list-system-errors Macro

Produces a sorted report of error conditions logged into the dm,errors, file.

log-clear-file-off Macro

Turns off the logging of the clear-file command.

log-clear-file-on Macro

Turns on the logging of the clear-file command.

modem-off Macro

Invokes the xonoff command and passes it an f option.

modem-on Macro

Invokes the xonoff command and passes it an n option.

net-status Macro

Displays statistics on local network usage.

ntlfs Macro

Contains the AQL sentence which uses the dm,FileOfFiles file.

shell-variable-off Macro

Disables shell variable replacement from TCL.

shell-variable-on Macro

Enables shell variable replacement from TCL.

system-coldstart Macro

Executes system initialization commands.

user-coldstart Macro

Performs the last step of the coldstart process and is the place where users can customize their own sequence of activities to perform each time the system is powered on or rebooted.

user-shutdown Macro

Called by the shutdown command as the first procedure in shutting down the machine.

wherebt Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the bt parameter.

whered Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the db parameter.

whereindx Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the indx parameter.

wherelk Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the lk parameter.

whereovf Macro

Invokes the wheres command with ovf parameter.

wherepu Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the pu parameter.

wheresp Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the sp parameter.

wheret Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the tp parameter.

whobt Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the bt parameter.

whod Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the db parameter.

whoindx Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the indx parameter.

wholk Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the lk parameter.

whopu Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the pu parameter.

whosp Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the sp parameter.

whot Macro

Displays the wheres information with the tp parameter.

whovf Macro

Invokes the wheres command with the ov parameter.

xcs-off Macro

Disables the extended character set function on a specified port, or the current port if omitted.

xcs-on Macro

Enables the extended character set function on a specified port, or the current port if omitted.

TCL Spooler Commands

The following Spooler related commands are presented:

assignfq (UNIX) Command

Assigns a printer device driver to a spooler form queue.

assignfq (Windows) Command

Assigns a printer device driver to a spooler form queue.

listabs Command

Displays the current spooler assignment parameters for each process on the system.

listpeqs Command

Displays the status of all spooler controlled print job elements.

listptr Command

Displays the printer control block status for all printers.

pr-spool-job Command

Respools a spooler hold job.

printronix Command

Sets the vertical form length unit (VFU) for Printronix printers only.

shp-kill Command

Terminates a D3 printer shared with UNIX and all the associated processes.

shp-status Command

Displays status information about printers shared with UNIX, started by the startshp command.

sp-assign Command

Displays, changes or resets the current spooler output assignment options for the current process/user.

sp-close Command

Closes all current spooler entries previously opened by the current line with an sp-open command or an o option in conjunction with an sp-assign command.

sp-edit Command

Accesses existing spooler entries for processing or deletion.

sp-kill Command

Stops spooler entry output or removes printers and shared printers.

sp-open Command

Leaves the next spooler entry generated by the current process open upon completion of the output generating process.

sp-status Command

Displays the status of all spooler-controlled devices.

sp-tapeout Command

Retrieves (inputs) reports previously spooled to magnetic media and directs output to the spooler.

startptr Command

Activates and initializes up to 2048 printers.

startshp Command

Starts a shared printer under UNIX.

startspooler Command

Kills all printers associated with the spooler, then initializes the spooler and returns it to normal operation.

stopptr Command

Stops the specified printer at the end of the current print job.

TCL Tape Device Commands

The following Tape Device related commands are presented:

account-restore Command

Restores an account from an account-save, file-save, or md-save magnetic media or pseudo tape.

account-save Command

Saves individual accounts to the currently attached peripheral storage device.

chg-device Command

Changes a tape device.

dev-make Command (UNIX)

Adds an entity to the system.

dev-make Command (Windows)

Creates devices connected to the VME.

dev-remov Command

Removes a specific device from the system.

file-save Command

Invokes the procedure to perform a full backup of each file in the D3 file system.

:files Command

Restores the entire file system from file-save media.

list-device Command

Displays the currently defined devices.

restore-accounts Command

Restores all accounts that do not already exist on the system from the attached file-save tape or a tape created by an account-save with an active list of accounts.

s-dump Command

Writes items from a given file to the attached peripheral storage device in sorted order.

save Command

Invokes the backup procedure to save the entire file system, an individual account, or to perform an incremental save.

sel-restore Command

Selectively restores items from either a file-save, account-save, incremental save, or transaction log media to a specific file.

set-8mm Command

Sets the 8mm data cartridge as the tape device, by invoking the set-device command and passing in the argument 8mm and an i option.

set-def-tape-blk Command

Sets the default block size for a tape device.

set-device Command

Attaches the SCT, floppy disk, half-inch, or special devices.

set-floppy Command

Attaches the first floppy (in the list-device listing) drive to the current process for subsequent input or output activity.

set-half Command

Attaches the 1/2-inch tape drive to the current process for subsequent input or output activity.

set-sct Command

Attaches the SCT drive to the current process.

t-act Command

Selects a previously attached tape device as the currently active device to read and write to.

t-att Command

Attaches the t

ape unit or floppy disk drive to the current process unit and optionally assigns the block size to the tape I/O buffer.

t-bck Command

Backspaces the tape to the end of the previous file or a specified number of blocks.

t-bsf Command

Backspaces a given number of files.

t-bsr Command

Backspaces a given number of records.

t-cascade Command

Cascades or links one tape device to another tape device, either in a chain or a loop.

t-chk Command

Checks a tape for parity errors.

t-copy Command

Copies data from one device to another.

t-det Command

Detaches the tape from the current process, or from another process.

t-dump Command

Copies items from a given file to the attached peripheral storage device.

t-fsf Command

Forwards a tape a given number of files.

t-fsr Command

Forwards a tape a given number of records.

t-fwd Command

Moves the attached media forward to the next file, or moves the tape forward a specified number of blocks.

t-link Command

Links or cascades one tape device to another tape device, either in a chain or a loop.

t-load Command

Restores files from a tape that was generated by t-dump.

t-rdlbl Command

Reads the label from the attached magnetic media and initializes the internal label storage area.

t-read Command

Reads from the magnetic media unit attached to the current process and displays the contents of each block read to the terminal or printer.

t-rew Command

Rewinds the attached media to the beginning, or load point on the tape.

t-select Command

Attaches a tape device to the current process, but we recommend using the set-device TCL command.

t-space Command

Moves the attached media forward a specified number of files, displaying each tape label as it is encountered.

t-stat Command

Displays a report of the current attachment status for all tape devices defined on the system.

t-unload Command

Rewinds the attached tape.

t-verify Command

Validates the integrity of file-save or account-save backups.

t-weof Command

Writes an EOF mark at the current position on the attached magnetic media.

t-wtlbl Command

Writes a Pick-format (80-byte) tape label at the current position on the attached magnetic media.

TCL UNIX Commands

The following UNIX TCL commands are presented:

addbi Command

Extends the functionality of the D3 monitor by making new C functions available to FlashBASIC.

environ Command

Manipulates the UNIX shell environment variables from TCL.

export Command

Exports D3 items to UNIX files.

listbi Command

Lists the built-in c functions in the item UNIX.builtin, c.builtin (MS-DOS) and user.builtin located in the dm,messages, file.

rmbi Command

Removes one or more functions from the list of UNIX or C built-in functions.

unix Command

Invokes the sh command, to push a shell, and then automatically returns to D3 on completion.

TCL Windows Specific Commands

The commands in this topic are for Windows users only. The following Windows commands are presented:

D3Tcl Command

NOTE— This command is not actually run from TCL.

Connects a remote VME with a TCL command from MS-DOS.

ntlfs Macro

Contains the AQL sentence which uses the dm,FileOfFiles file.

nt_cinfo Command

Obtains information about loaded C DLLs.

nt_cload Command

Loads a C DLL.

nt_cunload Command

Unloads a C DLL.

nt_dllinfo Command

Obtains information about loaded DLLs.

nt_dllload Command

Loads a DLL.

nt_dllunload Command

Unloads a DLL.

nt_eventlog Command

Displays or clears the Windows application or system event log.

nt_file-info Command

Displays file information for a specified file.

nt_getfsiaccount Command

Returns the current FSI account getting logged onto.

nt_heapwalk Command

Walks the ’heap’ of the given line and display the results in a human readable form.

nt_inv-flash Command

Removes a flashed program object in cache and loads the new flash program object.

nt_iotrace Command

Captures the i/o activity for a process id.

nt_listclients Command

Lists the active clients on the system.

nt_list-jobs Command

Lists server jobs running on the server since rebooting.

nt_list-resizing Command

Lists the files being resized and the files that have been resized.

nt_makefof Command

Creates the entry in the FileOfFiles.

nt_migrateacc Command

Migrates an account from the VME to the FSI.

nt_name Command

Obtains network information.

nt_osfi_start Command

Starts the OSFI server.

nt_osfi_stop Command

Stops the OSFI server.

nt_pinfo Command

Obtains and displays information about processes (threads).

nt_rel-tcp Command

Releases memory and closes tcp.

nt_resize Command

Starts the FSI file resizing process.

nt_resize-menu Command

Demonstrates the functionality of the four FSI utilities supplied by Rocket.

nt_restart_odbc Command

Stops or restarts the ODBC server.

nt_telnetdisc Command

Inquires/sets/resets the Telnet disconnect feature.

nt_upgrade Command

Upgrades any d3 dataset with current changes.

onneterror Command

Can be called from the FSI when a network error occurs during FlashBASIC file I/Os. This allows users to break out of the error and customize the subroutine.