find Command

The find BASIC program searches a file for the existence of one or more strings of characters in any attribute and optionally creates and saves a list.

The file reference can be specified on the command line. Otherwise, the program requests it. Next, the search strings are requested by the program. Enter the strings without any enclosing delimiters. The system repeatedly asks for additional search strings. If there are no additional strings to scan for, press ENTER at the search string prompt to begin the search. The program requests a list name. If a list name is provided, the list is saved in the pointer-file file. The item-IDs of the items containing the search strings display on the screen.


find {file.reference} {(options}





The following options are supported:


Show all occurrences.


Show the text before the occurrence.


Limit the search to the instruction field (assembly).


List only, don't display.


Reverse logic - only select items that don't have the selected text.


Verbose option displays additional information.


Offset from the beginning of the found string to actually print.



source file to search = bp

string to search for = customer.file

string to search for = invoice.file

string to search for =

enter list item name = find.list

After responding to the last prompt in this example, the find process begins searching each item in the bp file. If an item contains either of the two strings provided, the item-ID is added to the list. After searching the entire file, the list find.list is saved in the pointer-file file.


source file to search = errmsg

string to search for =  bad

string to search for =

enter list item name = errmsg.with.bad

The item is saved in the dm,pointer-file, file.

1539   : E^H Bad descriptor type found.

B14   : E Line ^A^H: Bad stack descriptor.

69   : E^H BAD GROUP

30   : command definition is bad

1514   : E^H Bad MDS ā€™Dā€™ type item.

B102   : E Line ^A^H: Bad statement.

1521   : E^H Bad group found.

1522   : E^H Item with bad count field found.

See Also

search Command, search-system Command