Dot Stack

The dot stack displays the entries entered at TCL. Every unique command that is typed at the TCL prompt is saved in a file on the dm account called tcl-stack.

TCL stack entries can be recalled and edited using these dot stack commands:


Displays help.

! str

Searches the stack for the first entry containing the string that it displays and executes.


Lists stack.

.l n 

Lists top n stack entries.

.l m-n

Lists stack entries m through n.


Displays top stack entry and allows modification.


Displays stack entry n and allows modification.


Replaces string 1 with string 2 in stack entry n.


Replaces all occurrences of string 1 with string 2 in stack entry n.


Deletes top stack entry.


Deletes top n stack entries.


Deletes any n stack entries containing a string.


Executes top stack entry.


Executes stack entry n. x pops to the top of stack.

.x name 

Executes macro created by the .c command


Executes macro name in file.


Creates macro from specified stack entries.


Creates macro, overwriting.

See Also

stack Command, tcl-stack File