The chksum command, in DM only, calculates a hexadecimal checksum for either an entire file or a list of items in the file, and outputs the results to a file.
When an item list is specified, statistics are calculated only for the selected item-IDs. If not specified, the entire file is used.
A new data section called checksum is created in the specified file. Each item in the checksum data section corresponds to an item in the requested file’s data section and the first attribute of each item contains the hexadecimal checksum for the item.
chksum file.reference itemlist* {(options} |
options |
The following options are supported: |
s |
Silent mode. Results are not displayed to the screen. |
v |
Verify mode. Verifies the checksum and reports any errors to attribute 5. |
chksum temp [404] 7 items selected out of 7 items. i/nosave basic.debugger.t filename.sysprog-bp op.col op.macro.file up.x |
Lists the items in the checksum data-level.
list-items temp,checksum (c 001 3443F07 i/nosave 001 65D7D2B7B21 basic.debugger.t 001 644C5D32EE04 filename.sysprog-bp 001 3A4D745500C op.col 001 6005F7623714 op.macro.file 001 5BF260B60902 up.x 001 14CC018FF4BE [405] 7 items listed out of 7 items. |
See Also
check-sum Command, set-decimal Command, set-dozens Command, set-thousands Command, set-units Command, u01b6 User Exit, u11b6 User Exit, u21b6 User Exit