D3 Windows and UNIX Differences

This section lists and describes any differences that exist between D3 Windows and D3 UNIX implementations. These topics are presented:

D3 UNIX Unsupported Commands

Lists the commands that are not supported for D3 UNIX implementations.

D3 Windows Unsupported Commands

Lists the commands that are not supported for D3 Windows implementations.

Commands that Function Differently in D3 Windows vs. UNIX

Describes how certain features function differently in D3 Windows and UNIX.

FlashBASIC Features that Function Differently in D3 Windows vs. UNIX

Describes the FlashBASIC features that either differ in functionality for each platform or are not supported for one of the platforms.

D3 Windows Specific Behavior

Describes system behaviors that are unique to D3 Windows.

Features Not Supported for D3 Windows

Lists the features that are not supported for D3 Windows implementations.