The hash-test command produces a histogram, or graphic representation of item-ID distribution within a given file, according to a test modulo provided. The command is useful when performing file reallocation, providing insight into how the item-IDs hash into the file, as well as providing a suggested modulo.
hash-test file.reference {item.list} {selection.criteria} {(options} test modulo:modulo |
options |
s |
Displays the summary statistics only. |
hash-test testfile |
test modulo: 3 |
file= testfile modulo= 3 10:07:24 14 Feb 2003 |
frames |
bytes |
items |
1 |
444 |
1 *> |
1 |
772 |
2 *>> |
1 |
1742 |
2 *>> |
3 |
Hash-Test/Istat Statistics |
total item count |
= |
5 |
byte count = |
2958 |
avg. bytes/item |
= |
591.6 |
avg. items/group = |
1.6 |
std. deviation |
= |
.5 |
avg. bytes/group = |
986.0 |
suggested modulo |
= |
3 |
This file has three groups, a total of five items. Each hash mark (>) indicates an item.
See Also
AQL Command Categories, File Reference, istat Command, item Command