Windows Performance Monitoring Tools

The Windows performance monitor enables you to control a variety of system behaviors to ensure the best performance and identify performance problems. This topic assumes that the reader is familiar with the general operations of the Windows performance monitor perfmon.exe, which can be found in the administrative program group.

This topic describes only some of the system parameters that can be useful on a server running D3. See the Microsoft Windows System Guide for a complete description of this tool.


Page Faults/sec

A high value (more than 10-50 times a second) indicates that the physical memory is not sufficient to satisfy the demand and that paging is occurring.

Logical Disk

Disk Reads/Sec

Represent the total disk accesses.

Disk Writes/Sec

Total disk writes per second.


% Privileged Time

This is the time spent performing system tasks. This time should always be as low as possible. A consistent level above 10% may indicate hardware problems (for example, a serial device generating interrupts because a cable is not connected) or abnormal locks (for example, a poorly sized D3 table accessed often by many threads).

% User Time

This is the time spent performing user tasks. It is normal for this counter to be always very high (unless the system is idle...). Note that some OLE applications (for example, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe) consume 100% of user CPU, even when idle, making this counter difficult to use. The Task Manager gives a per-task CPU usage and is more convenient.

Handle Count

For each D3 table, at least two Windows files are opened per section. If the table overflows or if there are indexes, more Windows files can be opened. On average, the number of file handle divided by 3 will give an approximate number of D3 opened tables. For a large application, it is not uncommon to have thousands of files opened. This number may therefore be high. A D3 opened table occupies roughly 1.5 KB in memory. This may help in diagnosing memory problems. For example, to open and access constantly 10,000 tables, up to 15 MB of server memory are required just for the file tables.

Page Faults/sec

This counter represents the page faults triggered by the specified process itself.

Thread Count

The Virtual Machine Environment has one thread per user. It is therefore normal to have many threads running for the D3VME.EXE applications. A FSI Server typically has fewer threads (less than 30). Windows is creating and deleting server threads as required.

See Also

Performance Monitoring Tools

D3 Performance Monitoring Tools