
Data is moved between buffers in terms of parameters. A parameter is defined as a string of characters surrounded by spaces or single quotes and residing in one of the buffers. To keep track of the parameters, each buffer has a pointer that points to the current position in the buffer.

The end of the parameter is designated by the first space encountered, unless the entire parameter is enclosed in single quotes, in which case the entire string in quotes is moved. The following Proc example displays the contents of the mds or system file.

A Proc ‘show-me’:

000 show-me

001 pq

002 hlist only

003 a2

004 p

Type show-me mds to execute this Proc. This invokes the Proc show-me, and puts the string show-me mds in the primary input buffer.

Primary Input Buffer

Primary Output Buffer

show-me mds


Secondary Input Buffer

Secondary Output Buffer



The h command puts the text list only in the primary output buffer:

Primary Input Buffer

Primary Output Buffer

show-me mds

list only

Secondary Input Buffer

Secondary Output Buffer



The a command picks up the second parameter in the input buffer from the primary input buffer and places it in the primary output buffer.

Primary Input Buffer

Primary Output Buffer

show-me mds

list only mds

Secondary Input Buffer

Secondary Output Buffer



Finally, the last line of the Proc (the p command) submits the primary output buffer to TCL for processing.

See Also

Structure of the PROC Processor

Proc I/O Buffers