
Prestore Commands

Prestore commands are a series of Update Processor commands that can be saved and recalled for later use. Once defined and saved, prestore commands can be used during the current update session or recalled and used in subsequent update sessions.

There is one active prestore buffer available for each update session. This buffer can be used again as many times as necessary. Prestore commands can be loaded into the buffer and modified using Update Processor cursor movement commands. The default prestore buffer contains the command CTRL+ZN, which advances the cursor to the next page.


The default buffer contents do not display when editing the prestore buffer.

There is no limit to the number of prestore commands available because prestore commands are saved as items in a file. The items remain in the file until they are deleted or overwritten.

The MD is the default file used for saving prestore commands, but any legal file reference may be used.

Prestore commands may contain both Update Processor commands and literal text. When literal text is included as part of the command, the text must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

When an Update Processor command is included as part of the prestore command, the Update Processor command is typed without pressing the CTRL key. The Update Processor interprets as an Update Processor command anything not enclosed in quotation marks.




Executes the command stored in the prestore buffer.

If there is no command in the prestore buffer, CTRL+P advances the cursor to the next page (by invoking the default prestore buffer command CTRL+ZN).

When working on an active list, if CTRL+P is the last command in a prestore command, the entire prestore command is repeated until the list is exhausted.

The example below illustrates how to create a prestore command used to search and replace text in a list of items.

get-list items

u document





Create or edit a prestore command in the prestore buffer. Most Update Processor commands are available to input and edit the prestore buffer.

After typing CTRL+ZL, the Update Processor displays the following prompt:


Type the prestore command, then press ENTER.

CTRL+P is used to execute the prestore command.

CTRL+ZR {(file.reference}item-ID

Loads a previously saved prestore command into the prestore buffer and, optionally, executes the prestore command. The first attribute in the item must be a p. The default file is the MD.

After CTRL+ZR has been entered, the following prompt displays:

Prestore id:

The response to this prompt can either be an item-ID (if the prestore command is stored in the current MD) or a file reference and item-ID (if the prestore command is stored in a file other than the current master dictionary.)

The item-ID is followed by either pressing CTRL+M or CTRL+P.

When the CTRL+ZR is followed by pressing ENTER, the contents of the prestore command are loaded in the prestore buffer but the command is not executed. When the CTRL+ZR command is followed by a CTRL+P, the prestore command is executed.

Once the prestore buffer has been loaded, it can be executed any time during the current update session using CTRL+P.

The following example shows how to load the prestore buffer with a saved prestore command from the current master dictionary without executing the prestore command.

CTRL+ZR command to load prestore buffer

Prestore id: terminal prompt for item-ID

id<Enter> item-ID from MD

The next example shows how to load the prestore buffer with a saved prestore command from the file ’commands’ using the item-ID of ’holdit’. The command is immediately executed using CTRL+P.

CTRL+ZR command to load prestore buffer

Prestore id: terminal prompt for item-ID

(commands,holditCTRL+P file.reference,item-ID, execute

CTRL+ZR {(file.reference}item-ID

Load the specified item into the prestore buffer and execute it. The first attribute in the item must be a p. The default file is the MD. When the CTRL+ZR command is followed by a CTRL+P, the prestore command is executed.

CTRL+ZW {(file.reference}item-ID CTRL+M

Writes the contents of the prestore buffer to a file for reuse. The character p is written as the first attribute of the item. The default file is the MD. CTRL+ZW displays the following Update Processor prompt:

Prestore id:

At this time, either of the following can be specified:

  • Item-ID. The prestore item is saved in the current MD. If the MD already has an item with the specified item-ID, the following prompt displays:

  • item exists on file, press y to overwrite:

    If y is typed, the MD item on file is overwritten with the prestore command. If any key other than y is typed, the prestore item is not saved.

  • File reference and item-ID. The item is written to the designated file with the specified item-ID. The format of the saved item is:

  • attribute 1 = p

    attribute 2 = prestore command

The example below shows a prestore command consisting of Update Processor commands and text. This command does the following:



’This is text’CTRL+M


The command is saved in the file commands with the ID of holdit.

u document


P: mmr’This is text’mr<Enter>


Prestore id: (commands holdit<Enter>

user-defined file and item-ID

The commands holdit file contains the following:

01 P

02 mmr’This is text’mr

See Also

Cursor Movement Commands