unlink-pibdev Command

For Windows: Not Supported

The unlink-pibdev BASIC program unlinks a process from a port.

This is typically used to disconnect a process from its associated terminal I/O so it can be controlled by the calling process. Controlling processes such as tandem, mirror or converse may not be unlinked.

If the process is omitted, the current process or PIB is unlinked.

The specified port number must be previously linked to the process or the current process if the process argument is committed.


unlink-pibdev {pib,} port.number



Problems may occur in some instances of the converse command, which can be solved using the unlink-pibdev command. For example, suppose ports 1 and 2 are physically connected and you are at port 0. Port 1 is called the gateway port and port 2 is the destination port. If you do not first issue an unlink-pibdev 1,1 command, you can run into problems when restarting the converse the second time. When disconnecting from converse the first time, the last character is being echoed continuously between ports 1 and 2, causing the D3 processes on ports 1 and 2 to go into some unknown states. To avoid this problem, you must do unlink-pibdev gateway-pib,gateway-port.


Unlinks the current process from port 3.

unlink-pibdev 3

Unlinks process 2 from port 3.

unlink-pibdev 2,3

See Also

converse Command

dev-att Command

dev-det Command

link-pibdev Command

mirror Command

Port Number