stopptr Command

The stopptr command stops the specified printer at the end of the current print job. If the printer is inactive, it stops immediately. If it is active, it stops at the end of the current print file. If the current print file is specified to print multiple copies, the printer stops after the completion of the current copy. Sys2 privileges are required to use stopptr. Executing this command without specifying a printer attempts to stop printer 0.


stopptr {options}



printer.number {-printer.number}

Designates the printer number, or range of printer numbers to stop, and must be between 0 and the maximum printer number. The maximum printer number is the actual number of ports on the system, plus 4.


Stops all printers.


Suppresses display of error messages.


Waits until the printer has completed printing any print file and is inactive. This option can be used, for example, when the stopptr command is issued from a macro, followed by a startptr command. This ensures that the printer is stopped before startptr is executed.


Sets printer # 1 to stop.

stopptr 1

Sets printer # 0 to stop but is still active.

stopptr b

Sets printer #1 to stop, then waits for printer #1 to become inactive before returning to TCL.

stopptr 1w

See Also

listpeqs Command

listptr Command


shp-kill Command

sp-status Command

startptr Command

startshp Command

startspooler Command

System Privileges