startlog Command

For Windows: Not Supported

The startlog command activates the transaction logging subsystem. All items in files with a dl-type are automatically logged to the attached magnetic media on each add, change, or delete to the item.


startlog {{port.number}{,wait.time}} {(options)}



Indicates the port number on which the logger is to be started. The default is one before the last port


Specifies the wait time interval (in milliseconds) to flush the tape buffer when the queue is empty. The default is 30 seconds. A negative number indicates no flush.



Starts, then activates. No prompt displays.


Enqueues all files (except tcl-stack) for logging, even if they are not dl-type files.


Sets flush time when accompanied by a number.


Enqueues dl-type files only.


Changes status of logger. Used only with the l and e option.


Restarts the transaction logger and asks for new backup media. Backup media can only be specified after a system restore with this option. If no backup media has been specified, startlog prompts for one.

Before invoking this command, a tape device must already be attached to the current port because the transaction logger steals the tape device.

If the transaction logger has not been initiated since the system was booted, the system does a double-check prompt. If the transaction logger has been initiated previously, the prompt is not displayed.

The startlog attaches the tape, if available, then logs the appropriate transactions.

If the tape is needed by another process, the transaction logger can be interrupted by attaching the tape using the u option with t-att. In this case, the transaction logger must be restarted with the startlog command, as it does not automatically restart.

Any transactions that occur while the logger is interrupted are held on disk until the transaction logger is restarted.

All transaction tapes should be saved until the next full file-save or incremental file-save is performed. When the transaction logger encounters a tape problem it sends a message to port 0.


Changes the status of the logger to enqueue writes for all files, except tcl-stack. tcl-stack items may be forced into the logging queue by editing and filing the item.

startlog (eo

Changes the status of the logger to enqueue writes for dl-type files only.

startlog (lo

See Also

log-msg Command

Port Number

t-att Command

Linking to the Transaction Logger Subsystem

txlog Command

update-logging Command