run Command

The run command invokes BASIC run time, which attempts to load and execute a compiled BASIC program.

Programs may be created and modified using the Update Processor. They can be run when exiting the Update Processor by using the CTRL+XR command, which files the item, compiles it, and, if there are no errors, runs it.


run file.reference item-ID {(options)}




Prohibits entry into the BASIC/FlashBASIC debugger; aborts on error conditions.


Enters BASIC/FlashBASIC debugger prior to execution. Important when parameters are passed in a call statement. The FlashBASIC debugger may also be called at any time while the program is executed by pressing BREAK on the terminal.


Enters debugger on any error condition. This option forces the operator to either accept the error by using the debugger, or exit to TCL.


Inhibits variable initialization. This option is not recommended due to reliability, transportability, and data integrity reasons. Causes the values in the variable area to be retained when the program is run. This can be specified only when run is being executed from the chain command. It allows variables to be passed from one program to the next, via the common statement.


Activates the nopage function on output to the terminal.


Directs output from print statements to the spooler. (This has the same effect as issuing a BASIC printer on statement)


Suppresses run-time warning messages.


Programs defined as external subroutines cannot be run.