disc Command

The disc command disconnects the current process from the D3 virtual machine.

If the process was started from shell (that is, by typing d3), control is returned to shell.

If the process was started automatically, in the case of a turnkey system, the user process is restarted immediately. In this case, the disc command has no action. However, a different PID is allocated to the process.

If the xon/xoff protocol was changed with the xonoff command, the new setting might be lost.

When reconnecting by typing d3 at shell, the process is reconnected to the virtual machine.

The exit macro executes a disc (f. Trying to shut down a system where there is one or more processes disconnected with the n option hangs. In fact, it times out after a few minutes. Before doing a shutdown, reconnect these processes and disconnect them with the f option.


This command closes all UNIX files. Therefore, it should not be used in a BASIC execute statement in a BASIC program that has the UNIX files opened.


disc {(option}




Logs off before disconnecting. This option is the default.


Remains logged on to the D3 account before disconnecting. Processes disconnected with the n option remain logged on to the D3 account and therefore show in the list-users command. Processes at lower levels are not wrapped.



These options cannot be used simultaneously.

See Also

%malloc() Function

env Command

environ Command

exit Command

off Command

Virtual Machine