
assignfq (UNIX) Command

The assignfq command assigns a printer device driver to a spooler form queue. This printer driver is then used by the Output Processor, or by FlashBASIC @() functions to generate special formatting commands such as boldface, cursor positioning, or underlining, when output is directed to the spooler.

Using a ? as a parameter produces abbreviated TCL help. Multiple form queues can be updated in the command, but each queue must have an associated device name. Printer drivers are located in the dm,devices, file. The current driver assignments may be displayed with the listabs command. A printer may have more than one form queue attached to it.

On UNIX-based implementations, the spooler has the ability to transfer data directly from the D3 process to a UNIX-based operation such as a spooler, file, communications link, hardware device, and so on.

The relationship between D3 and the UNIX process is established by the assignfq command. Place the UNIX command string in parentheses immediately after the device name field. The assignfq command recognizes the parentheses to mean a UNIX process and sets up the proper linkages.


assignfq form.queue{-n},{(unix.command)}{, form.queue,{(unix.command)} {,...}} {(options

assignfq ?



Spooler form queue to which the specified device driver is being assigned.

Name of the device to assign to the specified form queue. If "null" is specified, unassigns a device from the specified form queue.



(optional) Compiles the devices file item into the printer control block.

The printer control block is a binary item, (similar to a system-level dynamic array) that contains the codes and control strings pertinent to the device in question. Each system function ( @(-n) ) has its own array position, and the system cursor function searches this item for control strings such as clear-screen, clear to end of screen, and so on.


The changes created by an assignfq function do not take effect for a given line until an sp-assign command is executed on that line. It is recommended that all assignfq commands be incorporated into the system’s coldstart macros so that they are automatically set up when the machine boots.

Direct-to-UNIX spooling is only available on UNIX systems. The BREAK key must not be pressed while spooling a job directly to a UNIX process as the UNIX child process will receive a SIGKILL, causing termination of the spool output.

Since direct-to-UNIX spooling goes directly out to a UNIX command, the sp-assign options o, h, i, d, c and t are ignored. The a and s options still work in this situation.

When printing to UNIX, all output is buffered through UNIX pipes. Output may not actually enter the UNIX command until the D3 process has closed the job or returned to TCL, at which time D3 closes the pipe, forcing UNIX to flush the buffer.


assignfq 3,hp-lzrii

The example above assigns driver hp-lzrii to form queue 3.

assignfq 3,hp-lzrii(cat>/file1)

sp-assign f3?











list only md (p

The above assignfq command establishes a relationship between the D3 spooler form queue 3 and the UNIX process cat > /file1. Then, the sp-assign command tells the system to attach to form queue 3. Note that the sp-assign is necessary even if the line is already assigned to form queue 3 so that the process is informed that form queue 3 should now output to a UNIX command. Finally, the list command creates the UNIX file /file1 with an image of the listing.

The FlashBASIC program below creates a UNIX file containing the text line 1.

execute "assignfq 0,ibm3151(cat>/file1)"

execute "sp-assign f0"

execute "!rm /file1"; * Clear old one out

printer on; * Start printer output

print "line 1"

execute "!ls -l /file1"

printer close; * Close output

execute "!ls -l /file1"

execute "!cat /file1"

The output of the program is:

Assigned form queue device 0, IBM3151(cat>/file1)

-rw-rw---- 1 pick pick 0 Apr 23 11:15 /file1

-rw-rw---- 1 pick pick 7 Apr 23 11:15 /file1

line 1

Special attention must be paid to the size of the UNIX file. Note the size printed on the UNIX ls command (0 and then 7). Even after the line 1 text has been printed, the UNIX file size is still 0. Only after the print file has been closed does the output display in that file (as shown by the new size of 7). Because of this buffering effect, printer jobs must be closed before examining the UNIX output.

See Also

devices File