Runoff Processor Overview

The Runoff text processor facilitates the preparation and maintenance of textual material such as memos, manuals, and so on.

Text stored with embedded commands is formatted for output to a terminal or printer. Runoff source text contains commands that control justification, page headings and footings, numbering, spacing, and capitalization.

Textual material prepared with Runoff may be easily edited and corrected with the line editor (Editor processor) or Update Processor and then reprinted with Runoff. Runoff also provides the capability of combining separate textual material into a single report and inserting duplicate text into different reports. Multiple input items are treated as a single source text file.

A source text item may contain a command that causes Runoff to chain to another file item. This makes it possible to link file items together without doing a select or sselect. Items included in itemlist may chain to other items within the same file. When the chain ends, processing continues with the next item from the item list. A source text item may also contain a command that causes Runoff to read a second file item and then resume processing of the first item. This makes it possible to insert the text from a single file item in the output from many other file items.

See Also

runoff Command

Runoff Commands