i (Remote Index) Processing Code

The i processing code is used as an input-conversion (attribute 14) and indicates that this attribute is based on data indexed in another file. When editing data in this attribute, the user can cruise both forward and backward through the index in the specified secondary file.


Accesses the previous attribute value based on the index.


Accesses the next attribute value in the secondary file.

Data displayed is subject to the conversion codes in the primary file dictionary. If the algebraic code is other than the item-ID of the secondary file, a translation (tfile) processing code must be specified to allow cruising through the secondary file index.

This processing code is supported only from the VME.

System Processors


Code Type

Attribute Defining

Dictionary Attributes

Input Conversion





Name of the secondary file to which the primary file is indexed.


Indicates the algebraic code indexed in the secondary file.


In the Update Processor, the index code allows zooming (moving through a defined doorway to another file). By pressing CTRL+G when the cursor is at the end of the attribute, the user accesses the item addressed by the value of the attribute. A file exit command returns the user to the previous screen. The view displayed is subject to the processing codes in the dictionary of the secondary file. The secondary file attributes displayed when zooming can be specified in attribute 15 of the attribute-defining item of the primary file. If they are not specified, the default displays the attributes defined on the macro dictionary of the remote file-defining item.

Both an i (local index) and an ifile.reference;a.code (remote index) processing code can be specified in an input-conversion. When these two processing codes are specified in the same attribute-defining item, CTRL+D and CTRL+F function differently depending on the order. If the ifile.reference;a.code code is specified before the i code, and if either CTRL+D or CTRL+F is pressed, the Update Processor accesses the index specified by the first code in the secondary file and gets the previous or next attribute value for the specified index key. The Update Processor uses the index in the secondary file as it would use an index in the primary file. If the i code is specified first, the index in the primary file is used when CTRL+D or CTRL+F is pressed.

See Also


Cruising and Zooming Commands


i (Local Index) Processing Code

Input-Conversion Processing Codes

Macro Attribute


Processing Codes Overview

Processing Codes

t (Translate) Processing Code