tcl Statement

The tcl statement executes any valid TCL command as a subroutine.


tcl tcl.command {to dim.array.var)



TCL command to execute as a subroutine.


Receives the last message number and arguments of the tcl command.


After execution, the FlashBASIC or BASIC program continues with the next statement.

Input can be passed to the TCL statements using the data statement prior to the tcl statement.

The to modifier passes the last message number and arguments of the tcl statement to the specified dimensioned array variable.

After the tcl statement is completed, the data queue (stack) is reset. Multiple data statements can be passed when they are separated by value marks. Multiple tcl statements can be passed when they are separated by attribute marks.

If an active list is generated by the tcl statement, it is passed back to the FlashBASIC or BASIC program. The list can be used by the readnext statement or it can be assigned to a specific variable using the select to statement for later use with a readnext statement.

If the TCL off command is issued as the tcl statement, control does not return to the FlashBASIC or BASIC program.


These commands can alter the program environment when returning to the next program statement:

  • spooler commands

  • tape control commands

  • debug

  • charges

  • term

  • tabs

If the number of error message item-IDs exceeds the size of the array, the extra IDs are forced into the last array location and are delimited by attribute marks.


This example executes an AQL count command and returns the error message item-IDs to the dimensioned array, results.

dim results(3)

tcl ’count md if a1 "pq"’ to results

 The output of the tcl statement displays as follows:

[407] 26 items counted out of 897 items

The contents of the dimensioned array results displays as:

results(1) = 407

results(2) = 26

results(3) = 897

See Also

Active List

call Statement

capturing Clause

chain Statement

enter Statement

execute Statement

select Statement

Statements and Functions