Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare both strings and/or numerics.


exp relational.operator exp


Relational operators are:







These operators first attempt to convert both operands into numerics. If successful, a numeric comparison is performed at the current precision. If unable to convert both operands into numerics, the operators convert both operands to strings and perform a left-to-right comparison.

The value returned is nonzero (true) or 0 (true).


These strings are considered nonnumeric only when used with the above relational operators: ".", "+", "-", "-.", "+.", and "".


The result is 0.

print 3 = 2

The result is nonzero because 2 was converted into a string that comes before the string "dog" in alphabetical order.

print 2 < "dog"

The result is nonzero (true). Although the first 3 characters of x are actually a string of characters, the = operator was able to successfully convert this into a number and do a numeric test for equality.

equ am to char(254)

x = "623abc"

print 623 = x[1,3]

See Also

! Logical Operator

* Arithmetic Operator

* Statement

*= Assignment Operator

+ Arithmetic Operator

+= Assignment Operator

, Reserved Character

- Arithmetic Operator

-= Assignment Operator

/= Assignment Operator

= Assignment Operator

> Relational Operator

Arithmetic Expressions

exp() Function

le Relational Operator

Logical Expressions

loop Statement

lt Relational Operator

ne Relational Operator


precision Statement

Relational Expressions

Reserved Characters

\= Assignment Operator

^ Arithmetic Operator