%unlink() Function

The %unlink() function removes the directory entry named by the path name pointed to by path. The named file is unlinked, and when all the links have been removed, and the file is no longer open, the file is removed.


code = %unlink(path)

Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and system(0) is set to the value of errno.


include dm,bp,unix.h fcntl.h

* Get a local file named myfile


fd=%creat(fn, o$rdwr)


* Remove the temporary file

if %unlink(fn) # 0 then

crt ’Cannot remove temporary file. Error ’:system(0)


See Also

%close() Function

%creat() Function

%open() Function

FlashBASIC C Functions Overview