Conversion Expression

A conversion expression is any function that evaluates to a valid processing code (conversion).


iconv(str.exp, conv.exp)

oconv(str.exp, conv.exp)


The statement below prints the system time using the mth AQL processing code as a literal string.

print oconv(time(),'mth')

The conversion expression is the AQL d (date) processing code stored as a string in the variable, conv.exp.

conv.exp = 'd2-'

d = oconv(date(),conv.exp)


preci= '2'

scale = '4'

money = oconv(income,'mr':preci:scale)

The conversion expression is the compound string expression:


that results in the string, "mr24".

See Also

d (Date) Processing Code


iconv() Function

mt (Mask Time) Processing Code

oconv() Function

Statements and Functions

t (Text Extraction) Processing Code