
Assignment is the process of assigning the value of an expression to a variable.

The variable can be a simple variable, an array element, a dynamic array element, a substring, or all of the above.


variable = expression


Variable name is assigned the string "george".

name = "george"

Variable result is assigned to the result of the arithmetic expression.

result = (unit.price * qty)

Variable line is assigned the result of the string expression.

line = result: " is the answer"

Adds the value of code as the last attribute of the dynamic array item.

item<-1> = code

Adds the value of code as the last value in an attribute of codes.

item<codes,-1> = code

Value fred, is assigned to the fifth element of the dimensioned array customer.array.

customer.array(5) = "fred"

Second subvalue in the second value in the first attribute of the string in item is replaced with the string "100".

item<1,2,2> = "100"

Character positions 3 and 4 of string are replaced with the string "ca".

string[3,2] = "ca"

Third and fourth character positions of the string found in the first subvalue in the second value in the first attribute of item is replaced with the string "ca".

item<1,2,1>[3,2] = "ca"

See Also

*= Assignment Operator

+ Arithmetic Operator

+= Assignment Operator

-= Assignment Operator

/= Assignment Operator

: Relational Operator

:= Assignment Operator

= Assignment Operator

> Relational Operator

Array References


Arrays and Relational Expressions

assigned() Function

cat Relational Operator

clear Statement

Data Representation

equate Statement

extract() Function

insert() Function

let Statement

mat Statement

Nuclear Tokens

Substring Assignment

Substring Expressions

Substring Extraction

Substring Field Store

\= Assignment Operator