The within modifier retrieves a list of all the items that are subitems of a specified item. This is used to explode one attribute containing one or more MultiValues that are item-IDs within the same file, like in bill-of-material explosions. The file-defining item (D-pointer) must contain a v code in attribute 8 in the form: v;;n where n indicates the attribute count to explode. The explosion may proceed up to 20 sublevels.
list within file.reference ’item-ID’ {(options)} count within file.reference ’item-ID’ {(options)} |
Suppose that in the dictionary of the hypothetical file, parts, that the correlative attribute of the D-pointer to parts contains the processing code, v;;1, which means to explode on attribute 1.
The sentence:
list within parts ’car’ |
produces the output:
level Parts... 1 car 2 engine 2 wheel 3 tire 3 rim 2 hood [405] 6 items listed out of 1 items. |
list parts parts... wheel tire rim engine hood car [405] 6 items listed out of 6 items. |
The hypothetical data could be examined with the command:
ct parts car |
This produces the output:
car 001 engine]wheel]hood ct parts engine engine 001 flywheel]piston |
Since flywheel and piston items do not exist in parts, so they do not get exploded.
ct parts wheel |
wheel |
001 tire]rim |
ct parts tire rim hood |
tire |
rim |
hood |
001 |
001 |
001 |
002 $35.00 |
002 $60.00 |
002 $70.00 |
See Also