Using the Update processor as a text editor

If no attribute list is specified, the Update processor functions as a text editor. The text edit form requires specifying only the file name and item list (no attribute list). If no macro is present on the file-defining item, the raw item is presented.


update {only} file.reference {item.list} {modifiers} {(options)}




only The only modifier permits editing the raw items, without using any of the inherent attribute-defining items.

When a file does not contain default attribute-defining items, the only mode is automatically implied.

modifiers The modifiers below are available:
id-prompt The id-prompt causes the Update processor to include the item-ID attribute on the data entry screen.

The item-ID option prompt displays as the first attribute on the screen, followed by all other defined attributes. If the item-ID is not explicitly requested, it does not display in the update screen. The item-ID prompt can be used on the macro attribute of the file-defining item (see macro attribute).

The i option is a synonym for id-prompt.
options The options below are available:
c Clears the screen after filing of an item and before displaying the next item.
i Displays the item-ID of the file being updated in the Update processor data entry screen. The item-ID displays as the first attribute on the screen, followed by all other defined attributes. If the item-ID is not explicitly requested, it does not display on the update screen.

The i option can be used on the macro attribute of the file-defining item (see macro attribute). If the i option is used on the output-macro attribute of the file-defining item, the item is suppressed on output listings.

The id-prompt modifier is a synonym for the i option.
l Allows data to be viewed only. Items can not be filed, updated, or deleted.
r Edits raw text. This causes control characters to display as periods, escape characters to display as [ (left brackets), and subvalue marks to display as \ (backslashes).
s Turns the spelling checker off for the duration of the Update processor session.