set-tapefile command

The set-tapefile command creates a dynamically defined pseudo tape.


set-tapefile <path>



A valid path on the host operating system. The path may be any file name path without requiring surrounding quotation marks.

Represents the absolute path to an existing directory on the host operating system and file name may or may not exist.


The set-tapefile command allows pseudo tape devices to be dynamically created.

This assignment of a tape device is temporary and can be overwritten by performing another set-tapefile command to the same virtual tape device.

The virtual tape file assigned via the set-tapefile command does not display in the D3 Device Manager on D3 Windows. The transient assignment disappears on system shutdown and restart.
Note: After you define a tape unit of any type, that unit is a tape device. Therefore, you must use t-select, t-rew, and other tape-related commands in the customary sequence to perform typical tape device functions.

The tape file is now ready for use as a tape unit until the system is shut down. Commands such as t-dump, account-restore, file-save, and so on, function in customary fashion.


set-tapefile C:\ORDER ENTRY\ LOS ANGELES\orders.d3p