set-date-window command

The set-date-window command allows specifying the rollover point on your system.


 set-date-window {n} {(options)}


n Two-digit number specifying the rollover point (year).
  • If a non-numeric parameter is specified, an error message is returned.
  • If no parameter is specified, the currently set rollover point is returned.
options The following options are supported:
i Suppress the output for this command.
x Indicates that the value specified in n is expressed in hexadecimal format.


The rollover point determines the numeric cutoff for which century (20th or 21st) is being referred to when representing the year in 2-digit format within a program. For example, if the rollover point is set to 30 (the default), specifying a 2-digit representation of the year between 00 and 29 means you are referring to the years 2000 - 2029. Conversely, specifying a 2-digit representation of the year between 30 and 99 means you are referring to the years 1930 - 1999.


Example 1

This example illustrates displaying the currently set rollover point. In this case, the default rollover point (30) is returned (as in, 01/01/1930).

 Current Date Window:30

Example 2

This example illustrates setting the rollover point to 60 (as in, 01/01/1960).

 >set-date-window 60
 Current Date Window:60