pibstat command

The pibstat command in the DM account displays the current PIB status bit settings for a specified value.


pibstat value


value A 2-byte PIB status returned by the where command, under the column labeled PIB Stat.

The pibstat command is perhaps the most useful indication of resource use on a D3 machine. The first two digits of this value indicate the state of a process. Some of the more common values include:

f3xx Waiting-for-input or displaying text.
e3xx Waiting-for-input or displaying text with echo off.
f5xx Displaying text, but line is in xoff (CTRL+S) state.
ffxx Process is currently using the CPU.
bfxx Process is currently sleeping.
dfxx PIB currently requesting disk I/O.
Note: This command reflects the D3 process status. The term roadblocked means that the port is currently reading or writing a character.


Returns the PIB status for port 68 as ff10, which can then be used in the pibstat command:

where 68

ln   pcb      pib   abs      stat...
     fid      stat  bas
*068 024ee5   ff10  000018   1...

pibstat ff10

1111   1111      1111   1111
Process is running or activatable
      not sleeping
      not frame faulted
      echoing input
      not I/O roadblocked
      not reading
      not writing
      not comatized
      not DCD on
      type-ahead enabled
      modem-control enabled.