odbc-setup command

The odbc-setup utility allows you to start, stop, and configure the ODBC server. Additionally, the current server status and version can be displayed.


odbc-setup [config|default|shutdown|start|status|stop|version]


config Configures ODBC start parameters. These values can be configured:
cache.flat If set to yes, the server attempts to return the maximum cache size (as specified in cache.rows). This can improve performance when running large queries. The default setting is no.
cache.rows Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be cached by the server. If not specified, the default is 200.
debug If set to yes, debug messages are sent to the log file. Debug message information includes the statement syntax and the result set. The default setting is no.
errorfile Specifies the directory in which to log ODBC error messages. If set to /dev/null (default, no error messages are logged.
logfile Specifies the directory in which to log ODBC debug and runtime messages. If set to /dev/null (default, no error messages are logged.
port TCP service port on which the server listens for clients.
timeout Specifies the ODBC server process inactivity timeout in minutes.
default Resets the ODBC server configuration back to the default configuration.
shutdown Terminates the processes for all ODBC connections on the current virtual machine. The server process in not shut down.
start Starts the ODBC server(s).
status Displays the status of the ODBC server(s).
stop Stops the ODBC server(s).
version Displays the version of the ODBC server.