nt_pinfo command

The nt_pinfo command obtains and displays information about threads.


nt_pinfo {(options}


options b Displays block counts (AllocB and CommtB). This cannot be used with the u option unless the w option is used.
l Loops displaying the delta CPU usage information for any ports that have consumed CPU within the last 1 second. Useful for finding active CPU consumers. Press the X key to exit.
m Displays the virtual memory size in megabytes (MB).
s Suppress the display of the virtual memory statistics (overrides the v option).
t Displays the totals for the AllocK, AllocB, CommtK, and CommtB columns.
u Displays the user-ID in the report. This cannot be used with the b option unless the w option is used.
v Displays only virtual memory (process virtual address space) and page file statistics. When used with the m option, the display is in MB.
w Wide display.
z Displays all configured ports, including those that do not have an associated thread.


The nt_pinfo command displays a report showing the PIBs (line numbers), the associated thread-id, CPU and memory utilization, and the name of the associated device.


nt_pinfo (s
PIB  ThreadId T  User  Kernel AllocK CommtK            Device
==== ======== = ====== ====== ====== ====== =============================
   0 00018610 C  0.500  0.171    420   2345 CONSOLE
   1*00019a10 T 95.671 02.750   2456   3695 ::1;50475
   2 00009e50 T 38.437 91.859    185   1705 ::1;63959
 256 00019b14 P  0.781  0.875      5    132 (null)
 273 00018d9c P  0.000  0.015      5    132 (null)
nt_pinfo (bstuw
PIB    UserName        ThreadId     T    User      Kernel    AllocK   AllocB  CommtK   CommtB         Device
==== ============= ================ = ========== ========== ========= ====== ========= ====== =======================
   0            dm 0000000000018610 C      0.500      0.171       420    517      2345    529 CONSOLE
   1*         Andy 0000000000019a10 T    295.671    102.765      2456    334      3707    344 ::1;50475
   2    admin_user 0000000000009e50 T   8149.046    292.296       185    275      1705    408 ::1;63959
 256               0000000000019b14 P      0.781      0.875         5     33       132     35 (null)
 273               0000000000018d9c P      0.000      0.015         5     33       132     34 (null)
                                                            ========= ====== ========= ======
Total                                                            3071   1192      8021   1350
PIB Process Identification Block (line number).
ThreadId Thread-id.
T Type of process attached.
  • T = Telnet
  • S = serial
  • C = console
  • W = mvWorkstation Telnet
  • Y = mvWorkstation printer line
  • Z = mvWorkstation serial line
  • R = RPC connection
  • O = ODBC connection
User User CPU time since thread started.
Kernel Kernel CPU time since thread started.
AllocK The amount of memory in KB that a thread currently has allocated.
AllocB The number of blocks of memory of any size a thread currently has allocated.
CommtK The total amount of memory in KB that a thread currently has allocated plus cached.
CommtB The total number of blocks of memory of any size a thread currently has allocated plus cached.
Device The name of the device associated with this PIB.