network-setup utility

The network-setup utility allows the setup and control of a D3 network. If no arguments are supplied, a menu opens. This is the normal form of operation.


network-setup {{command}} {(options}


options q (Quiet) Suppresses all messages. Valid only for non-menu operations.

Using the Menus

All operations are controlled through menus. If the terminal allows it, arrow keys can be used where indicated:

ENTER Validates the highlighted choice.
number Selects the corresponding choice (from 0 to 9).
Note: The number 0 selects the option 10.
CTRL+N Moves cursor down (down arrow).
CTRL+B Moves cursor up (up arrow).
CTRL+X Cancels. Applicable only when input is requested.
Esc Quits and returns to previous menu, or back to TCL. This key can be used to terminate all menus.
Q Quits and returns to previous menu.
X Exits and returns to TCL from any menu.

When the cursor is moved to a new field, a short help is displayed in the message area.

Screen Layout

The screen is divided in two sections:

  • Menu section: Menus
  • Message section: Results, messages, help


A host is a definition for a local or remote D3 machine. There should be one for each system.

Main Menu

1 Start servers Starts all local network servers.

Before running this command, it is necessary to define the network using the Define local hosts and Define remote host options.

The server status is automatically displayed after network servers are started.

Note: Local servers must be started before a remote server can have access to the local database.
2 Stop servers Stops all local network servers.
3 Server status Displays the status of all local servers.
4 Server statistics Displays transaction statistics for all local server processes, such as reads and writes per second.
5 Server pid status Displays the UNIX process status of each server process.
Note: The UNIX processes all show to have been spawned by the UNIX command that started the primary server. This is due to the way the servers are configured and does not indicate an error.
6 Network status Displays remote files open by each process.
7 Define the network Allows the user to define the way the network is set up.

This submenu is documented in the Define the Network section.

8 Exit Exits and returns to TCL.

Define the Network

1 List all hosts Displays an AQL listing of all defined hosts, including the local host and all remote hosts.
2 Print all hosts Lists all hosts to the currently selected printer.
3 Define local host Configures the local network hosts.

If you are defining an entire network, use option 5 Define all hosts.

These input fields are requested for 3 Define local host:
Host Name Enter any alphanumeric string.

This is the D3 name of the local host. This field defaults to the name of the UNIX machine if no local host is defined.

Optional Host Description Enter an optional description of the host.

For example:

  • The physical description of the machine.
  • A description of the machine location.
  • The name and number of the machine's system administrator
TCP Name/Address Enter the TCP name/address where the D3 machine exists.

For the server, this should be the local UNIX host name.

TCP Service Name/Number Enter the TCP service number.

Typically, the default of 1598 is correct, as this is the default D3 service name. An alternate service is only necessary if there is more than one D3 virtual machine on the same UNIX box.

Note: If a firewall is enabled on the specified server, the TCP port must be allowed entry through the firewall.
Security Options   Tunes the security parameters of the server.

Without any parameters, remote users can connect and disconnect freely and are given the same permissions as they have on their original client machines.

Each open request from a client machine passes the retrieval and updates keys assigned to the user on that client to the server. The server then utilizes those client keys to open the requested file.

  • If the a option is used, then the client retrieval and update keys are ignored. Additionally, the connection is refused completely if the passed user name and password do not match a user/password combination on the local server. The server looks for:

    ClientHostName: ClientUserName or ClientUserName

    when looking for a user match.

  • If the user name and/or password must be different on the local server than on the remote client, then the client user can utilize the set-remote-user command to perform automatic user/password mapping when connecting to that server.
  • If the h option is not used, then the server disconnects unused connections after a certain time period. In this situation, it may be unclear to the administrator which connections are being utilized by which remote users.

    If the h option is set, then all connections are held until the remote client logs off. This requires one server for each remote client, but helps prevent snooping and spoofing security problems, and makes system administration easier as the list-users command always shows the connected users.

Transmit Timeout Enter the time (in seconds) allowed for each remote operation.

After this time, the client assumes the server is down and follows the error path. This value should be increased when the server is slow and no response errors are randomly encountered.

Accept Timeout Enter the time (in seconds) during which a server process remains bound to a client when no operations are performed.
  • A setting of 0 disconnects after every operation and is not recommended.
  • For most situations, a value between 1 and 10 provides a good balance between too many TCP connections in a timewait state and too few server processes.
Note: Server process remains bound to its client when it holds item locks for that client, regardless of the Accept Timeout value.
Initial Server Processes Enter the number of server processes that are started when the network is started.

To change the number of servers, you must shut down the network, change this number, and then restart the network.

Host ID Number Use to differentiate between different virtual machines on the same UNIX host.
  • If you only have one D3 virtual machine on each UNIX machine, this number is not needed.
  • If you have more than one D3 virtual machine on a UNIX host, then select small numbers (less than 128) for each virtual machine on that host.
Use SSL Indicates if SSL is being used.
  • If the value is y, then SSL is being used.
  • If the value is n or the option is not specified, Telnet is used.
Validate Certificate Indicates whether certificates should be validated.
  • If the value is 0 (Ignore) or the option is not specified, then no certificate validation occurs.
  • If the value is 1 (Validate), then a certificate is validated if it is passed from the peer end of the SSL connection.

    If it is the server end of the SSL connection and the peer (client) sends its certificate, the server validates the client certificate.

    If it is the client end of the SSL connection and the peer (server) sends its certificate, the client validates the server certificate.

  • If the value is 2 (Required), it works the same as when the value is 1 (Validate) except the certificate is required to be passed.
Certificate Path Specifies the path to the certificate file.
Certificate Keyfile Path Specifies the path to the private key file.
Confirm (y/n/q)
  • Enter y to confirm the host modification.
  • Enter n to go back to any of the previous fields.
  • Enter q to quit and abandon.
4 Define remote host Configures the remote network hosts.

After choosing this option, another menu displays asking which host to edit, as well as a New Host option to create a new host.

Select the New Host option when initially configuring a network.

These input fields are requested:
Host Name Enter any alphanumeric string. This is the D3 name of this remote host.
Optional Host Description Enter an optional description of the host.

For example:

  • The physical description of the machine.
  • A description of the machine location.
  • The name and number of the machine's system administrator
TCP Name/Address Enter the TCP name or address where the D3 machine exists.
TCP Service Name/Number Enter the TCP service number.

Typically, the default 1598 is correct as this is the default D3 service name. An alternate service is only necessary if there is more than one D3 virtual machine on the same UNIX box.

Transmit Timeout Enter the time (in seconds) allowed for each remote operation.

After this time, the client assumes the server is down and follows the error path. This value should be increased when the server is slow and no response errors are randomly encountered.

Host ID Use to differentiate between different virtual machines on the same UNIX host.
  • If you only have one D3 virtual machine on each UNIX machine, this number is not needed.
  • If you have more than one D3 virtual machine on a UNIX host, then pick small numbers (less than 128) for each virtual machine on that host.
Use SSL Indicates if SSL is being used.
  • If the value is y, then SSL is being used.
  • If the value is n or the option isn’t specified, Telnet is used.
Validate Certificate Indicates whether certificates should be validated.
  • If the value is 0 (Ignore) or the option is not specified, then no certificate validation occurs.
  • If the value is 1 (Validate), then a certificate is validated if it is passed from the peer end of the SSL connection.

    If it is the server end of the SSL connection and the peer (client) sends its certificate, the server validates the client certificate.

    If it is the client end of the SSL connection and the peer (server) sends its certificate, the client validates the server certificate.

  • If the value is 2 (Required), it works the same as when the value is 1 (Validate) except the certificate is required to be passed.
Certificate Path Specifies the path to the certificate file.
Certificate Keyfile Path Specifies the path to the private key file.
Confirm (y/n/q)
  • Enter y to confirm the host modification.
  • Enter n to return to any of the previous fields.
  • Enter q to quit and abandon.
5 Define all host Configures all hosts on a D3 network.

Use this option to configure an entire D3 network from one station.

This option, when combined with the next three options, allows a user to enter configuration data for all hosts (including this local host and all remote hosts), and then dump the information to tape. That tape is then loaded on each separate virtual D3 machine. See menu option 7 (Load host file).

6 Dump host file Dumps network items in the dm,hosts, file to a selected tape.
7 Load host file Loads items prepared by option 6 (Dump host file) from a selected tape.
8 Declare local host After network host items are loaded from tape during option 7 (Load host file), the user must tell the system which host item describes the local D3 virtual machine.

This option presents the user with a list of hosts, the user picks the one that describes this machine.

9 Remove Host Removes a local or remote host.
10 Back to main menu Exits back to the main menu.

Nonmenu Operation

It is possible to perform some operations from TCL by specifying a command on the TCL line. This is useful to perform some automatic commands in macros.

Command Description
start Starts the local server processes.
stop Stops all local server processes.
status Displays the status information for all local server processes.
statistics Displays the transaction statistics for all local server processes.