fid command

The fid BASIC program displays information about a memory-resident frame.

For Windows: Not Supported


fid frame-ID{(options)}


options n Outputs report without pausing at the bottom of each page.
p Directs output to system printer via the spooler.


fid 122
 I i t n b r
w m o o o o a e
t l f w b p t t u
r o r r u h i c s
e c e i s s a h e
q k f t y h q b d
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
A fwdhq fwdaq bckaq buffid btwa
- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
0 000000 000000 000000 00007A 400CB800

In the vertical columns above, each of the bit settings for the given are descriptions of each bit. Any column with a 0 underneath indicates that the corresponding value is off. A nonzero indicates that the value is on.

wtreq Indicates a write-required state.
mlock Indicates a memory-locked (core-locked) state.
fref Indicates that this frame has been referenced recently.
iowrit Indicates that the frame is being written, or is enqueued for writing.
iobusy Indicates that this frame is being read from disk.
tophsh Indicates that this buffer is at the top of the internal memory hash list.
notiaq Indicates that this buffer will soon be gone.
batchb Indicates that this FID was brought into memory by a batch process.
reused Indicates that the buffer is eligible for immediate reuse.
Attr Number of virtual registers attached to this buffer.
fwdhq bckaq fwdaq All pointers to an internal management list.
buffid FID of the buffer.
btwa Indicates the real address of the buffer.