edit command (TCL commands)

The edit command invokes the line editor for entry or update of any item in the system (that is, BASIC programs, Procs, data items, and so on).

The line editor is fully compatible with all previous versions of D3. It has largely been replaced with the Update processor, a full screen editor with extended functionality.


edit file.reference itemlist* {(options)}




options a Activates the assembly formatter. Equivalent to the as Editor command.
d Allows editing a D-pointer.
I Sets an item lock on the specified item.
l Suppresses line feeds when in edit mode. When line feeds are suppressed, pressing enter displays the next line in the file and not an additional dot prompt (that is, the dot prompt remains at the bottom of the display and is not regenerated between line numbers). Note that for Windows, this is the default behavior.
m Activates the macro expansion function. Equivalent to the m Editor command.
p Directs the output to the system printer, via the spooler.
s Suppresses the display of line numbers, in normal edit mode, or suppresses object code display when the assembly formatter is on. Equivalent to the s editor command.
z Suppresses the top and eoi messages.

The editor sees the remote D-pointer items as normal items. These items come up normally, but even if fd is issued, the items retain their critical portions.

Tip: To bypass the confirmation message when using the fd command within the edit command, change Attribute 1 of the edit command definition from ve to ve1.


ed dm,bp, term-type