crt-device command

The crt-device command forces BASIC and FlashBASIC to use the CRT terminal device instead of the printer device for the @ functions with the printer in the ON state.


 crt-device  {([n\|f]}


on If the crt-device state is ON (1378), then the terminal device is used for @ functions.
off If the crt-device state is OFF (1379), then:
  • If the Printer state is ON, then the printer device is used.
  • If the Printer state is OFF, then the terminal device is used.


If no option is provided, the current state is returned.

1378 and 1379 @ functions
  • [1378] @ functions always use the terminal device.
  • [1379] @ functions use a device based on the printer state.


Example 1

For this example, the current state is set to use the device for @ functions based on the value of the BASIC printer statement:


 [1379] @ functions use device based on printer state.

This example sets up a printer device to use:

 :assignfq 0,hp-lzrii

 Assigned form queue device 0, HP-LZRII

This example sets the form queue and uses options to show the settings:

 :sp-assign 0hs?

 Line#  Status   Copies  Form#  Device
     0   hs           0      0  hp-lzrii

The following example shows that @(-13) is set to the ESC character, followed by an open parenthesis (, a lowercase s, the number 3, and an uppercase B:

 :list dm,devices, hp-lzrii a19
 Page   1     dm,devices,

 dm,devices, a19..............
 hp-lzrii    d,[,c'(s3B',< -13 bf on

 [405] 1 items listed out of 1 items.

The following example shows the terminal device for the line set to vt100:


  terminal name: vt100
  product name: VT100
  terminal width: 132   printer width: 80
           depth: 64            depth: 59
  lineskip:    0
  lf delay:    1
  ff delay:    1
  back space:  8

The following example shows that the value is set to the ESC character, followed by an open square bracket [, the number 7, and a lowercase m.

 :list dm,devices, vt100 a18
 Page   1     dm,devices,

 dm,devices, a18..............
 vt100       D,X'1B',C'[7m',<              -13 BF ON

 [405] 1 items listed out of 1 items.
The following example shows the test code:
  • The first line uses mcp as a conversion of each character.
  • The second line prints the decimal value for each character.
 Terminal code
 27 91 55 109
 Printer code
 27 40 115 51 66

The terminal code is ESC [ 7 m.

The printer code is ESC ( s 3 B.

Example 2

For this example, the r83 backward compatible option is used:

 :crt-device (n

 [1378] @ functions always use terminal device.

In this example, only the terminal device codes will be used. The printer and terminal codes are the same and match that of the vt100 device item.

 Terminal code
 27 91 55 109
 Printer code
 27 91 55 109

The following example shows the test code:

 001 printer off; * turn the printer off to force using the terminal device
 002  term_minus13 = @(-13)
 003 printer on; * turn on the printer to maybe use the printer device
 004  prt_minus13 = @(-13)
 005 *
 006 st = term_minus13
 007 crt "Terminal code "
 008 gosub showit; * go show what the terminal device codes are
 009 *
 010 st = prt_minus13
 011 crt "Printer code "
 012 gosub showit; * go show what the printer device codes are
 013 *
 014 stop
 015 *
 016 showit: *
 017 crt oconv(st,'mcp'); * output the string as is but no control characters
 018 l = len(st)
 019 for x = 1 to l
 020   crt seq(st[x,1]):" ": ;* show each character as it's decimal ASCII value
 021 next x
 022 crt
 023 return